Micro-adventures: Sustainable adventures for everyday life

Micro-adventures: Sustainable adventures for everyday life
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / StockSnap

Happiness is often on your doorstep: that’s what micro-adventures are all about. Neither a lot of time nor money is required for implementation. We give you sustainable examples for your escape from everyday life.

Micro-adventures: What is that actually?

Micro-adventures are small experiences to break out of everyday life and discover something new. A special feature is that the adventure should be spontaneous, inexpensive and easy to implement in your own environment.

It’s not a one-time experience, it’s more of a lifestyle. The term was coined by British author Alastair Humphreys in his book Microadventures.

Examples of sustainable micro-adventures

Micro-adventures usually take place in nature.
Micro-adventures usually take place in nature.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / evita-ochel)

The definition of the term “micro-adventure” is very vague and leaves room for individual freedom. This way you can give your micro-adventures a sustainable character. We have put together a few examples for more joie de vivre that you can easily integrate into your everyday life:

  • Overnight under the stars: Whether on the balcony or in your own garden: if you really want to relax and switch off, there is hardly anything nicer than spending the night in nature. A night without smartphone, laptop and television, but with the sounds of nature.

  • Yoga exercises in nature: After work, yoga is the best sport for many people to recover from work stress, often in their own four walls. There are also many beautiful places for yoga in the countryside. How about a beautiful forest clearing or an idyllic lake, for example?

  • Hammock time-out in the forest: Forests are among the quietest retreats. If you are in search of yourself, there is probably no better place to do it. Grab your hammock and fix it to two sturdy trees. And the mental journey can begin!

  • Walking barefoot on a colorful summer meadow: Many people know the feeling of exploring the world with bare feet from childhood days. But even as an adult you can just leave your shoes in the closet. The fresh grass, the soft sand or the small pebbles under your feet are like a free foot massage.

  • Meditative walk at sunset: Often one does not really notice nature with its diverse plants and animals. On a meditative walk, you can perceive nature as a living space with all your senses and stroll through nature in silence. Maybe you’re lucky enough to be able to admire the sunrise or sunset on your little hike.

The luggage for your next micro-adventure

You should definitely have a few important qualities in your luggage for your next micro-adventure.
You should definitely have a few important qualities in your luggage for your next micro-adventure.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Pexels)

A micro-adventure does not require a lot of time or money. However, you should have certain characteristics with you for your next adventure. Here is a list of them:

  • Curiosity: Your micro-adventure is most rewarding when you venture out into the world with open eyes and a desire to learn new things. Without curiosity, adventure will bring you little joy.

  • Courage: Micro-adventures require a fair amount of courage to break new ground and try unusual things. But you shouldn’t overestimate yourself either. For example, if you’re dreading a night out alone, bring a friend along and share the adventure.

  • Spontaneity: You shouldn’t have to plan micro-adventures in the long term. Preparations require a lot of time and energy. Activities that are too well planned are no longer an adventure because their course is too predictable.

  • Sustainability: A sustainable micro-adventure not only requires that it takes place in nature. You should also set certain rules for yourself instead, such as not driving to your destination. Bicycles or public transport are alternatives (also the 49-euro ticket!).

Reading tip**: The book “Microadventures. Local Discoveries for Great Escapes” by Alastair Humphreys (in English) can be found online at buecher.de, Thalia.de or Buch7.de.

Unfortunately, there is no translation yet, but there are already various books by German-speaking authors on the subject at buecher.de, at Thalia.de or at Buch7.de.

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(Photo: Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / StockSnap)

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