‘Motorist fined on license plate may tear up bon’

Motorists who have been ticketed by the police on their license plate and have not been stopped, may be able to tear their ticket. The subdistrict court in Amsterdam has determined that, even in these corona time, police officers must simply put offenders aside to issue a coupon, writes The Telegraph.

According to the work instructions of the police, covid-19 advises to avoid contact with traffic enforcement as much as possible for your own safety and that verbalization on license plate is preferred. But the subdistrict court in Amsterdam thinks differently about that: he quashed a ticket that had been issued, thus setting a precedent.

“In this specific case, it concerns a violation on April 6 of this year, when my client was driving 38 km / h too fast on the A10 North near Amsterdam. This was observed by a surveillance officer, who, however, only issued a fine on license plate. “, says lawyer Nick Voorbach of Trafficboete.nl.

The Public Prosecution Service is very upset about it. “We do not agree with this judgment. We are looking into the possibilities of having the Court issue a judgment on this,” says Marloes van Kessel.

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