Motorola disables SOS feature on Android 12 phones

Motorola disables SOS feature on Android 12 phones

At the beginning of this month, we found out that some phones running Android 12 inadvertently called emergency services via the SOS function. It concerned phones from certain brands, including those from Motorola. That company now informs Androidworld the following.

Android phones call 112

Some Androidworld readers informed us that they accidentally called emergency services with their phone while the phone was simply in a handbag. This was caused by the SOS function that has been active by default since the Android 12 update. That SOS function is not active by default with all Android 12 phones. In this article you will find an overview of the brands involved. One of these is Motorola and that brand immediately started working with the feedback. In the end, they decided to disable the SOS feature. You can read the statement below.

As you correctly noted, this function is indeed enabled by default. A nice function, but it can indeed possibly cause unnecessary calls to the emergency number. That is why we have decided not to enable it by default anymore. It will no longer be enabled by default from the factory on future devices and for existing devices with Android 12 we will disable it in a future update.

Statement from Motorola Netherlands

Do you have a Motorola phone? Then the feature will be disabled in a future update. Don’t want to wait for that? Then you can do that yourself. In this article you will find an explanation about how to turn off the SOS function. People with phones from other brands can also disable the function by following the steps in that article.

Have you also accidentally called 112 on your device in this way? Also let us know in the comments.

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– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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