A photo taken with the Motorola Edge 30 Ultra’s 200MP main camera has surfaced. None other than Lenovo general manager Chen Jin shared the photo. It is the umpteenth time that Chen Jin could not contain his enthusiasm and has therefore already shown something of the new device.
200MP main camera
Chen Jin, there he is again, has once again revealed something about a new smartphone from Motorola. Earlier, the general manager of Lenovo, the makers of the Motorola devices, showed the yet to be announced Razr 3, he also confirmed specifications of the upcoming Edge 30 Ultra.
Now a photo taken with the main camera of the Edge 30 Ultra is added. This main camera has a 200MP Samsung ISOCELL HP1 sensor. This is a high-end camera sensor that can merge four or sixteen pixels. The sensor uses 4×4 or 2×2 pixel binning technology. The device therefore takes standard photos with a resolution of 12.5 or 50 MP. You can read more about this camera sensor in the article below.
The photo
First of all, Chen Jin shared the photo on the Chinese social platform Weibo. As a result, the image is compressed and therefore a lot less sharp than it usually should be. In addition, the photo was taken in a resolution of 50 MP. So the 2×2 pixel binning technology has been used. The sensor has thus formed smaller pixels compared to the 4×4 technology. As a result, the sensor captures less light, but can capture more detail thanks to the 50 MP. Therefore, this function will probably only be activated when there is enough light, and this is the case with the photo Chen Jin shares. You can see the photo below.
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Specifications Edge 30 Ultra
Motorola previously revealed that the Motorola Frontier, Edge 30 Ultra or X30 Pro (the name of the device is unknown) will have the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 + Gen 1 processor. This is Qualcomm’s fastest processor right now. Furthermore, the device would have a 144 Hz Full HD + OLED panel with curved edges. The battery of the device will probably be a 4500 mAh one. The charging speed is 125W. The device will probably have to be officially announced this month.
What do you think of the photo taken with the Edge 30 Ultra? Let us know in the comments below this article.
– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source