New trend: tampons with CBD oil against menstrual cramps

Cannabidiol instead of pain reliever: Tampons with CBD active ingredient are supposed to relieve abdominal pain during the period in a natural way. There are already corresponding tampons to buy in the USA, in this country you can make them yourself with CBD oil. But is that a good idea at all?

Abdominal pain, cramps, nausea: Many women experience several symptoms during the period. Some take magnesium, others take a hot water bottle or swallow tablets to fight the pain. A so far less well-known natural pain reliever in Germany is said to be cannabidiol tampons (CBD tampons).

Cannabidiol is said to have an antispasmodic and analgesic effect – some women therefore take CBD oil to quench menstrual cramps. The effect is said to be even more direct if the CBD enters the body via a tampon.

CBD tampons are not approved in Germany

CBD tampons, suppositories, cannabidiol

The American company sells in the USA “Foria” CBD tampons, which in addition to cannabidiol also contain cocoa butter and THC. THC is the psychoactive substance that provides the intoxicating effect in hemp plants. However, the “tampons” do not absorb blood, but function like vaginal suppositories. They are inserted before the regular tampon. After application, you should wait about 15 minutes for the CBD to take effect.

Such CBD suppositories can actually relieve pain, says Dr. med. Christian Albring, President of the Professional Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. However, he fears a side effect: “It can be assumed that the pain relieving effect of these suppositories – at least in women of normal or underweight – is achieved with a dose that also has a psychotropic effect.” The preparations can therefore affect the psyche in a similar way to cannabis. Such suppositories are therefore not permitted in Germany; according to Albring, treatment with them could be subject to the Narcotics Act – that is, they are considered drug consumption.

Dripping CBD oil on tampons?

In Germany, you can make CBD tampons yourself, at least that’s what women’s newspapers “Elle” likes to recommend. For menopausal pain, you should drizzle two to three drops of CBD oil on a tampon and then use it as usual. The effect should last four to six hours, writes “Elle”.

However, Dr. Albring thinks little of this approach. The dose is too low to relieve pain. “When oil is dropped onto a normal tampon, this oil is sucked into the tampon along with the blood. Apart from the fact that oil disturbs the vaginal milieu, medicinal effects of CBD oil are rather unlikely with such a procedure, and pain relief can perhaps be explained as a placebo effect. ”

Techzle thinks: CBD oil, drinks, cosmetics, chewing gum or just now CBD tampons: More and more products with cannabidiol are coming onto the market. No wonder – CBD is said to have many positive properties. It is not only supposed to have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, but also to have a calming and anti-anxiety effect. However, you shouldn’t join every new CBD trend – CBD oil on tampons is ineffective at best, at worst it causes infections.

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