‘Nissan EV lead completely gone. How is that possible? ‘- AutoWeek Podcast

‘Audi A6 vs E-class: it looks like 2010!’

‘Nissan EV lead completely gone.  How is that possible?  ‘- AutoWeek Podcast

A new episode of our podcast! Roy and Marco have both returned from long journeys and have quite a few car experiences to share. Marco was in Japan and Roy was just as far away in another direction. People complain about the car rental and cheer about a Nissan coupe. But where has Nissan’s lead with the Leaf actually gone? All that and more, enjoy listening!

In this episode we focus on Nissan, car rental companies and a lot of reader mail!

You can of course listen above, but you can also find us via Apple Podcast, Spotify, TuneIN,Google Podcastand Pocket Cast. Search for AutoWeek or De Uitlaat and subscribe if you don’t want to miss an episode. There is a new episode every two weeks!

Let us know in the comments what you think or if you have any suggestions that we should talk about sometime. Questions or input via Twitter can be done via #AWUitlaat, you can also send an email to redactie@autoweek.nl. Enjoy listening!

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– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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