Organ donation card: How to get it

With an organ donation card you can document whether you want to donate your organs for a transplant in the event of death or not. It is legally binding after your death and creates clarity for doctors and relatives.

What is an organ donation card?

With an organ donation card you document what should happen to your organs and tissues after death. You are free to choose whether and which organs doctors are allowed to take from you for a transplant but also which ones should not be removed.

As soon as you have the completed organ donation card signed, it is legally binding. It has no expiry date. Since your decision is nowhere recorded centrally, you can change at any time, You can destroy the old ID and fill in a new one if necessary.

Important: You can object to organ removal from the age of 14. You may only consent to the removal from the age of 16.

Why is an organ donation card important?

In Germany, around 9,000 patients are waiting for a donor organ.

In Germany, over 9,000 patients are waiting for a donor organ. Appropriate organs from the deceased could help you. Organs can only be removed in Germany with consent. This is not permitted without consent – this also applies to the deceased.

If you did not record your will during your lifetime, your relatives will be asked about your presumed will. Since they are likely to be dealing with shock and grief in this case, this challenge can be an additional burden. With an organ donation card you can make your decision clear and also create clarity for relatives.

Fill out the organ donation card – you should be aware of that

It is best to keep your organ donation card in your wallet.

You can get an organ donation card from your doctor or pharmacy. You can fill it in online and print it out or for free. On the ID card, you choose your decision with a cross. There is also space for further comments. It also offers a FAQ for organ donation and the donation card.

As soon as you have filled in and signed your organ donation card, it is legally binding. You do not need another document and you do not have to tell anyone about your decision – the signed ID is sufficient.

It is important that the organ donation card can be found quickly in an emergency. It is best to always carry it with you – for example in your wallet with your ID card.

Organ donation card: What else is required?

In addition to the organ donation card, you can also draw up a living will with your family doctor.

In the event of an accident, personal items may be lost or destroyed – possibly also your organ donation card. So one signed copy of your organ donation card should be kept at your home, or given to a close person. This can be family members, friends or your family doctor.

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