Radioactivity at an ancient volcano on Earth’s satellite raises questions. And how did a huge granite formation form underground?… more
The Artemis program for the Earth’s satellite is making progress – but more slowly than planned. When will people be able to research on the moon again?… more
A special protein helps bristle worms track the phases of the moon by changing its structure every night… more
Planetologists are researching the chronology of the early solar system: Did a flood of cosmic impacts suddenly occur four billion years ago – just when the first life on Earth was stirring?… more
Density anomalies in the Earth’s interior could be remnants of the celestial body that formed the Moon after its impact with the primordial Earth, simulations show… more
Moon dust can apparently be transformed into paving stones by focused light, which could be used to build roads and landing pads for the planned moon bases… more
Planets of distant stars are probably orbited by giant moons that far outshine all satellites in the solar system…. more
When the Earth’s satellite was young, storms in a hot atmosphere whipped across its molten surface…. more
Billions of years ago, a primordial planet crashed into the far side of our satellite. It broke through the crust and created the enormous South Pole-Aitken Basin…. more
In the early days of the Earth, a day passed much faster than today, and the moon orbited closer to our planet. Now, with the help of African sediments, this can be traced back to the distant past… more