Part driving schools does not continue with lessons yet

From Monday 11 May it is again allowed to give driving lessons. However, it appears that not all driving schools immediately take action again. In addition, there is still doubt about the effectiveness of screens for the prevention of corona contamination.

Now that the weather is allowed to give driving lessons, you would expect that most driving schools will start again immediately. However, it turns out to be less rosy. A survey by RijschoolPro shows that 56 percent of driving schools immediately went back on May 11 and that a further 10 percent wanted to start later this week. Then there is still a significant part of the driving schools that are not yet going to work. 10 percent of driving schools need an even longer lead time to prepare for the new situation (such as installing mudguards in the car), but another 10 percent simply think it is still too risky.

There is also some work to be done about the safety measures that a driving school owner can take, because their effectiveness has not yet been proven. Driving schoolPro reports that the RDW is still investigating together with TNO how good mudguards of hard and soft plastic in the car really are for stopping the corona virus. RIVM has no guidelines regarding screen use, which causes confusion among driving school owners. The RDW is looking into the possible advantages and disadvantages and cannot yet advise whether or not to do it. Not only the effectiveness of spread prevention, but also the possible adverse effects of screens on the safety provisions in the car are investigated. Until the results are known, it is still up to the driving schools themselves whether or not they place screens.

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