Per scrap car, only one shopping bag of material is not reused

Disassemble and reuse

Per scrap car, only one shopping bag of material is not reusedScrap yardScrap yardScrap yardScrap yard

Scrap yard

Dutch dismantling companies demolished considerably fewer cars last year than a year earlier. However, the so-called ‘recycling performance’ remains intact. On average, almost 99 percent of every scrap car is recycled.

Last year, 176,887 cars were deregistered for disassembly in our country. A huge field of cars of course, but there were considerably less than a year earlier. In 2021, 220,926 cars in the Netherlands were deregistered for disassembly. This is evident from figures from Auto Recycling Nederland (ARN). According to ARN, this historically low number is mainly due to two factors. Due to disappointing sales of new cars, the Dutch continued to drive longer in their old cars. Another factor is that the export of older cars has increased considerably, especially cars between 16 and 25 years old. In addition, cars generally last longer until now. The average age at which a car is ‘discarded’ increases by one year every three years.

According to ARN, the recycling performance in 2022 was just like a year earlier at no less than 98.7 percent. Only 1.3 percent of a car is not recycled, according to ARN. How much is that exactly? According to ARN, that 1.3 percent of non-reusable material is comparable to the contents of a shopping bag. The Netherlands scores quite well with this. Europe dictates that at least 95 percent of scrap cars must be recycled.

Due to the increasing number of hybrid, plug-in hybrid and electric cars, no less than 113,282 kilograms of lithium-ion batteries have been recycled (76 percent). The remaining 24 percent is used for some ARN second useapplications’. That part of the batteries gets a second life. According to ARN, new technology should make it possible to recycle up to 95 percent of car batteries.


– Thanks for information from

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