Practical consumption Audi A3: how much of an advantage due to technology?

A3 1.4 TFSI COD and 1.6 TDI under the microscope

Practical consumption Audi A3: how much of an advantage due to technology?

By sticking to the slogan ‘advantage through technology’, Audi is not making things easy for itself. It simply creates expectations, sometimes in terms of top performance and sometimes in terms of consumption. In this article, you know it by now, we focus purely on the latter. How economical was the Audi A3, if delivered between 2012 and 2020?

The Audi A3 of this third generation had different guises. You could get it as a five-door Sportback, as a Limousine, as a convertible and there was even a real three-door! Audi also offered plenty of choice when it came to engines. In addition to the well-known TFSI petrols and TDI diesels, you could choose a plug-in hybrid e-tron or natural gas version G-Tron. In this article we examine the 1.4 TFSI and 1.6 TDI.

Consumption A3 1.4 TFSI COD

The 1.4 TFSI had different power variants, of which the ‘150 hp COD’ is best represented in our database. The abbreviation COD stands for cylinder-on-demand, or cylinder deactivation. Under low load, the fuel supply to two cylinders is stopped, which should improve consumption.

With this cylinder deactivation and their own right feet, ‘our’ A3 drivers score on average exactly 1 in 15 (6.7 l/100 km). The bandwidth is quite wide, with the most economical driver achieving 1 in 17.1 (5.9 l/100 km) and the least favorable value, measured over a longer distance, 1 in 12.9 (7.7 l/100 km). ) is.

And the A3 1.6 TDI?

The Audi A3 1.6 TDI was also available with different powers, from 105 to 116 hp. With this engine, users drive an average of 1 in 18.9 (5.3 l/100 km). There are also positive outliers, such as the 1 in 22.7 (4.41 l/100 km) that our most economical diesel engine shows. The least economical A3 1.6 TDI turns out to be a Sportback with 116 hp, which achieves 1 in 15.9 (6.3 l/100 km). The driver says he uses a sporty driving style, which may be part of the explanation.

Whether Audi lives up to the slogan ‘lead through technology’ depends on how you look at it. If we look purely at consumption, the petrol A3 does not perform better than the Mercedes-Benz A 180, which users also drove exactly 1 in 15. If we compare it to the power, after all, the Audi is more powerful, it seems that horses from Ingolstadt are less thirsty than their Stuttgart counterparts.

– Thanks for information from

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