Private health insurance – optimal medical care in any case

Spirits and medicines

Healthy in every situation with the right private health insurance. (Image:, qimono (CC0 Creative Commons)

The cold season is approaching and the duration of sun exposure is reducing. A vitamin D deficiency is often preprogrammed if it is not supplemented by food or medication. In the worst case, the lack of vitamin D not only leads to increased hair loss, tiredness or body aches. As figures from the Robert Koch Institute show, many adults in Germany also suffer from a vitamin D deficiency without perhaps even realizing it. An extensive anamnesis discussion with the trusted doctor will help, whereby privately insured patients in particular can benefit from additional extra services depending on the tariff model chosen.

Vitamins as a motor for the body

Privately insured patients can put together their insurance coverage individually according to a modular principle and thus have their care and welfare in hand. If you want, you can enjoy treatment by the head physician or other extras, but you can also choose a basic tariff. The body is also supplied with vitamins and minerals according to a modular principle. Some vitamins can help against migraines (e.g. vitamin B2), while others are of enormous importance for the metabolism. Vitamin D, for example, is essential when it comes to your own immune system. So that civil servants, employees or students should have the right defenses against diseases the selected private health insurance tariff fit your own requirements.

PKV offers these advantages

Private health insurance offers several advantages in Germany and around the world. In addition to the individual services, there are often short waiting times at the doctor and (depending on the contract) international protection. The free choice of doctor and hospital is also part of many tariff models. Approved drugs are also covered by the insurer so that private patients do not have to pay anything. However, the rising costs in old age must be taken into account, so that health care in younger years is very important. This includes, for example, a balanced vitamin balance with an optimal vitamin D content.

In order to find the optimal tariff at a young age and in old age, those interested in private health insurance should allow themselves some time, similar to the choice of medication or the options for supplementation. A neutral private health insurance comparison of the tariff models can also be helpful, because there are clear differences among private health insurers, as with medicines.

Some are cheaper but may not include all of the services you want. Others are more expensive but offer great service. In general, the more power you want to use, the higher the monthly contributions. However, a higher deductible can reduce the amount. However, privately insured patients should note that they have to pay the deductible out of their own pocket and that the PKV only pays benefits if this amount is exceeded.

Now think about an optimal vitamin supply

The vitamin D requirement is still often underestimated, and the optimal one is so important for the entire organism. In a study by the BUSM and the TUMS it became clear that patients with more than 30 nanograms of vitamin D / milliliter of blood show significantly less inflammation values.

Vitamin D not only strengthens the immune system in the case of colds, but also supports bone structure and nerve functions. A long-lasting deficiency can ensure that your own body can no longer cure the inflammation itself and is therefore weakened holistically. According to the Robert Koch Institute, vitamin D deficiency can also be seen in around 15% of adults in Germany. The Causes of reduced vitamin D levels are different, for example stress, a wrong / unbalanced diet or lack of sun exposure.

Do I have a vitamin D deficiency? – The consultation with the doctor helps

The easiest way to detect the deficiency is to do a blood test. It can be conveniently carried out by your family doctor or by means of a self-test (available at the pharmacy). 30 nanograms of vitamin D / milliliter of blood are optimal. If the value is below 20 nanograms, it is referred to as a deficiency.

The long-term consequences show that the vitamin D deficiency should not be taken lightly. Symptoms of deficiency symptoms are persistent bone pain, frequent respiratory infections or longer periods of illness, mood swings, persistent fatigue.

Private health insurance supports provision

The private health insurance can be individually adapted to the wishes of the policyholder and thus offers optimal protection. Not only the search at the doctor is taken over, but also exclusive services such as a head physician treatment or an alternative therapy. For example, services for the naturopath or psychotherapist as well as aids and remedies can be reimbursed in certain tariffs.

Private services can be used unconditionally for almost all groups of people

Health is the most important good, so only the best should be just right for your own preventive care and welfare. With the private health insurance that is optimally tailored to their own needs, civil servants, students, self-employed or employees can insure themselves according to their ideas in order to be optimally covered even in times of crisis. Even in the event of illness, the privately insured do not have to worry, because they receive exactly the help they wanted through their tariff.

Supplement with vitamin D.

If there is no sunlight, vitamin D can also be supplied through diet. Foods high in vitamin D include butter, eggs, liver, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, liver, porcini mushrooms. Particularly high-fat fish species (including salmon, cod and tuna) also contain a particularly large amount of vitamin D. Talking to the doctor will give you valuable tips on how your own vitamin D content can be boosted again.

The German Society for Nutrition recommendsto pay attention to balance in the diet. This includes not only relying on a rich vitamin D diet, but also using the sun as a vitamin supplier. Two to three times a week for 10–25 minutes in the fresh air and soaking up vitamin D through your skin can help prevent the dull winter months.

Vitamin D deficiency especially from 65

It is known that the self-production of vitamin D decreases from the age of 65. The undersupply can be observed especially in women over 65. If there is an enormous vitamin D deficiency, food and natural sunlight (especially in autumn and winter) are usually no longer sufficient.

In this case, it is advisable to talk to a trusted doctor who can prescribe suitable vitamin preparations. To avoid overdosing, it is advisable to have a close medical check-up. Signs of a vitamin D overdose include severe headache or vomiting. If these symptoms occur in combination with the intake of a vitamin D preparation, a doctor should be consulted.


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