‘Production of VW ID3 and Cupra Born reduced due to demand’

Up to two weeks of silence

‘Production of VW ID3 and Cupra Born reduced due to demand’

It seems that Volkswagen and Cupra had estimated the demand for the ID3 and the Born respectively to be higher than was actually the case. Production of the two electric cars is being scaled back somewhat.

For the second time in a short time, there is striking news about the Volkswagen Group’s EV factory in Zwickau. Earlier this month it emerged that jobs are being cut there because demand for the cars being built there is declining. Now it appears that another measure will follow in response to reduced demand. Automotive News says it understands first-hand from Volkswagen that production of the Volkswagen ID3 and Cupra Born will be reduced there from October 2 to 13. This coincides with the local autumn holidays. After inquiring with Volkswagen, AutoWeek learns that in Zwickau ‘production is more geared to market demand’ and that therefore ‘production of stock models is being scaled back’.

The production schedule for the Volkswagen ID3 is reportedly being adjusted not only in Zwickau, but also in the special glass factory in Dresden. Even more so; production there will be temporarily stopped completely, it is understood Automotive News. This also concerns a somewhat longer period, namely from October 2 to 16, so two weeks. Previously the German knew Automobilwoche insiders report that eventually the entire ID3 production in Dresden will be canceled, but nothing official is known about this yet. AutoWeek understands from Volkswagen with regard to Dresden that it is ‘working open-mindedly on a package of performance measures’, with the aim of, among other things, ‘being able to cope with the volatile market situation’.

– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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