Restlessness: Effective remedies to help against it

Restlessness: Effective remedies to help against it
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Engin_Akyurt

Persistent restlessness is an energy-sapping condition that no one can or should endure for long periods of time. In this article you will find suggestions on what remedies can help.

Stress at work, anger in a relationship, internal conflicts – restlessness can have a variety of causes. Often the inner tension passes on its own. But in some cases it is a chronic condition. Then mental illnesses can also be behind the restlessness.

How does restlessness manifest itself?

A racing heart can be a symptom of restlessness.
A racing heart can be a symptom of restlessness.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Pexels)

Restlessness or restlessness is a condition that can manifest itself both physically and psychologically. It is often a symptom of illness or a side effect of medication and is characterized by increased but aimless activity, according to DocCheck Flexikon.

Inner restlessness

Inner restlessness describes a state in which thoughts change rapidly and the feeling arises of constantly having to do something without knowing exactly what.

Those affected often struggle with difficulty concentrating. This restlessness can remain hidden, but can also become visible in external movements.

External restlessness

External restlessness is shown by physical symptoms such as:

  • Restless posture and facial expression
  • Constantly running around, wiggling my feet, cracking my fingers
  • shaking (tremor)
  • Rapid eye movements or eyelid fluttering
  • Fast, often uncontrolled speaking
  • Physical reactions such as sweating or racing heart

Restlessness is not only stressful, but can also indicate deeper problems. It is therefore worth taking a closer look in order to identify causes and address them specifically.

Causes and consequences of restlessness

According to the AOK, restlessness can have the following causes:

  • Stress, for example at work, at school or in private life or due to exceptional situations such as grief and internal conflicts

  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Hormonal fluctuations that occur, for example, during pregnancy, menopause or due to illness

  • mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or dementia

Restlessness can have social, health and professional consequences. Those affected appear overstimulated, impatient and nervous, react quickly with anger and often behave uncooperatively, stubbornly, aggressively or even hostilely when dealing with others. This can lead to arguments with family, friends and work colleagues, which in turn causes stress. So restlessness can lead to a vicious circle that also affects sleep quality.

Get rid of restlessness again

If you feel restless, you should reduce the underlying stress.
If you feel restless, you should reduce the underlying stress.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / EnergieDeVie)

Periods of restlessness are brief and harmless for most people, but the underlying stress can be stressful, which is why caring for yourself is an important step in coping and preventing it. These tips can help you:

  • Find allies: It’s always easier together than alone. Opening up to someone you trust can provide relief. Even if the problems can’t be solved immediately, it’s good to get them off your chest. If you prefer not to talk to friends or family members about your restlessness, you can also confide in strangers, for example in a self-help group.

  • Make sure you get restful sleep: Restlessness and sleep disorders often go hand in hand. To combat restlessness, you should also get your sleep under control. Try to always go to bed at a similar time. This will help you find a healthy rhythm again. Unfortunately, non-prescription sleeping pills are usually not helpful. (More tips: Helping you fall asleep: practical tips to fall asleep faster and Evening routine: 12 tips to help you sleep better).

  • Deal with stress differently: It is hardly possible to avoid stress completely. The good news: You can learn to relax and deal with stress. For example, try yoga, meditation or autogenic training. This way you can manage not to let yourself get too out of sync.

  • Rethink your lifestyle: It is essential that you allow yourself to take breaks every now and then. Constantly thinking about work or always being available can cause you additional stress. Consciously going offline slows you down and gives you more time for yourself – and therefore often more inner peace. Also reduce your coffee and alcohol consumption, advises the AOK. Overindulgence leaves many people feeling irritable.

Consult a doctor or therapist

You should seek medical help if your restlessness occurs frequently, lasts a long time or severely limits your quality of life. Warning signs include aimless wandering, unconscious actions, outbursts of anger, self-harming behavior, severe lack of sleep, or problems in your relationships. You should also have symptoms such as memory problems, extreme mood swings or hallucinations clarified medically in order to find and treat the cause. The best first point of contact is to contact your family doctor.

Read more on Techzle\.com:

  • Burnout symptoms: You should take these signs seriously
  • Fighting jealousy: Effective strategies against the nagging feeling
  • Inner restlessness: Where nervousness comes from and how to combat it

Edited by Annika Reketat

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