It is a lot of artificial intelligence (AI) that matters. Artifact is also a good example of this.

Dennis Gandasoebrata

Review Artifact: select relevant news with AI

The Artifact app uses AI to make a selection of relevant news for the user. Based on the interests you specify, Artifact builds up an image and selects relevant news sources. The app itself recommends selecting at least ten sources. In practice, if you don’t like a source, hide it. For the time being, this only concerns English-language sources and we do not yet see any Dutch publications. You can currently add paid sources like The New York Times and Washington Post to the app. You can adjust the personal feed at any time. The makers opt for a hybrid form: sources are shown that you may not have previously chosen, but you can also take out (paid) subscriptions to specific news sources and always have the news items from those sources displayed.

The app also creates a summary of the news source, so you can quickly scan through it to read the highlights. There is also room for comments under the articles.
The system assigns scores to users: you can assign a ‘like’ to relevant contributions.
The combination of news feed and the use of AI is interesting and Artifact gives a preview of this.
The fact that no Dutch-language sources are yet supported may make the system less interesting for now.

Artifact (

3 and half stars

Price: Free (includes in-app purchases)
System requirements: Android, iOS 15.0+
Language: English