With HyperNotes you can take notes and share them with others, for example when you work together on a project or collaborate in other areas.

Review HyperNotes: take notes and share them with others

The makers have set up an environment for this in which the emphasis is on recording your thoughts, without distraction. You can link the individual notes together and share them as a set with others. Via the dashboard you have access to all notes and you can see which other pages they are linked to via an indication. You can also keep to-do lists in the app. You open the task lists via a separate tab at the bottom of the screen.

Handy is the function with which you can see from a ‘bird’s eye’ view how all notes are linked to each other. The display thus follows the mind map method. If you use the app on an iPad, you have a clearer environment at your disposal.

Although the app pays a lot of attention to features for collaborating on notes, in practice the app also lends itself well to individual users who do not necessarily need to share notes. The Hyper-Notes servers, which are located on European territory, are used to synchronize the notes between the devices.


4 stars

Price: free
System requirements: Android 5.1, iOS 11.0
Language: English