With Sharex you can make static screenshots, but you can also use it to capture moving image.

Dennis Gandasoebrata


Bulled out on the standard cutting program of Windows 10 or Windows 11? Shagrex is an interesting alternative to making screenshots in Windows. You can use the software for free. In addition to making static screenshots, you can also use Shalex to capture moving image.

If you often perform repetitive tasks for screenshots, you can automate these tasks. For example in the area of ​​post -processing: where you automatically add a watermark to each screenshot or generates a thumbnail from any recording made. Moreover, you can automate the handling of the files by establishing that images are automatically uploaded to the cloud or are printed on your printer. Automation can also be in smaller activities: for example, you can set via Auto Capture that a screenshot must be made automatically at set times.

In the section Aids we find options for post -processing the material, such as the aforementioned generating of thumbnails Or adjusting the dimensions of each image. Sharex also has options for advanced users. If you make recordings of moving image, you can choose which video codec you want to use and on what quality the material should be stored.

Product: Shareex (https://getsharex.com)

4 stars

Price: Free
System requirements: Windows 10, Windows 11
Language: Dutch, English