History & Archaeology

THEN Podcast, Episode Three: Rome’s Battle Against the Pirates

Enjoying history in an unfamiliar format, that is what “THEN and now. The podcast on history ”. Now the third episode is...

Wreck of the German cruiser “Karlsruhe” discovered

Sonar image from the wreck of the German cruiser "Karlsruhe". (Image: Stattnet / Isurvey) On April 9, 1940, the cruiser “Karlsruhe” led the German...

A chamois for ice mummy research

After the rescue, the animal mummy was brought to Bolzano by helicopter with the support of the Italian army. (Image: Esercito Italiano -...

Westallgäu was a Bronze Age traffic junction

The climate and nature in the Bronze Age West Allgäu were not as favorable as here in Hegau. (Image: University of Tübingen) In the...

Europeans have only tolerated milk for a few thousand years

Bronze Age skull from the Tollensetal (Image: Stefan Sauer / Tollensetal-Projekt) In today's northern and central Europe, most people can still digest the milk sugar...

THEN podcast, episode two: 1973 military coup in Chile

On September 11, 1973, the Chilean army launched a coup against the socialist president Salvador Allende. The second episode of the new podcast...

Sturgeon on the royal menu

Wooden barrel and sturgeon shed discovered in the wreck (Image: Brett Seymour, Brendan Foley) In 1495, the Danish King Hans set out for Sweden by...

Enigmatic primeval monuments of Arabia

View along the long side of a Mustatil building. The researchers can be identified by the rear edge of the large structure. ...

Ancient temples were handicapped accessible

Ruins of the Temple of Asclepius in Epidaurus. (Image: elgreko / iStock) Even the Greeks planned access to many of their sanctuaries for the...

New: DAMALS podcast – twice a month

Enjoy history while listening to it: With the 9/2020 issue, DAMALS is presenting a new format. "Then and now. The Podcast on...

Fountain with Jupiter’s column discovered

Compilation of the portrayed goddesses: Juno on the left, Nemesis-Diana in the middle, and Minerva on the right. (Photo: Marcel Zanjani / LVR...

How millet came to Europe

Millet Panicum miliaceum (Image: Wiebke Kirleis / UFG Kiel) Around 3500 years ago, the early cultures of Europe underwent a profound change: semi-nomads who immigrated...

Stone Age people: wisely bedded early

Around 200,000 years ago, people apparently camped on grass in the Border Cave in South Africa's Lebombo Mountains. (Image: A. Kruger) Even more than...

Medieval poet: “rounded” anniversary

Walther von der Vogelweide (left) and Wolfram von Eschenbach (right) were both born around 1170. (Image: Excerpts from the Heidelberger Liederhandschrift (Codex Manesse),...

Investigated sunken submarine from the First World War

High-resolution sonar image of the UC-47 submarine. (Image: Tolmount Development) In November 1917, the long streak of luck of the German submarine UC-47 ended:...

Medieval mine tunnel discovered

Scientists in the newly discovered Johannes tunnel. (Image: Eike Bruns / LBEG) In the Upper Harz mining area, while renovating an old shaft, workers...

Hyksos: powerful migrants instead of conquerors?

Seal amulet with the name of the Hyksos ruler Apophis. (Image: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (CC0)) They ruled ancient Egypt for about a...

Stonehenge: On the trail of stone giants

Where did the big building blocks come from? (Image: Andre Pattenden, English Heritage) Towering giants - the so-called sarsen stones are the most impressive...

Antique signature of pandemic & climate change

The results of the study are based on findings in garbage deposits from later antique settlements in what is now Israel. (Image: Guy...

Spot typhus: How the Warsaw Ghetto defeated the plague

Warsaw Ghetto Memorial. (Image: slowcentury / iStock) The Warsaw Ghetto in 1941 was characterized by hunger, tightness and a deadly plague: typhus. The...

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