History & Archaeology

Mysterious ball games 3000 years ago

One of the 3000 year old leather balls from China. (Image: UZH) Surprisingly early in ancient China people played with leather balls, according to...

AT THEN Podcast, Episode Five: The Rise of Assad

Episode five of the DAMALS podcast deals with a rather quiet coup in the Middle East - but one that had long-term consequences: It...

Pergamon: Conservation of the Red Hall completed

View into the south tower of the Red Hall. (Image: Martin Bachmann / DAI Istanbul) The Red Hall in Pergamon is one of the...

Trading post on an islet

Archaeologists have discovered ceramics of interesting origins on the headland of the small island of Tavolara off Sardinia. (Image: Travel Wild / iStock) Traces...

Archaeologists discover 59 intact sarcophagi

Some of the sarcophagi discovered in Saqqara. (Image: Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Archeology) Archaeologists have already made several impressive finds in the Egyptian...

Entanglement in slavery revealed

Many structures and masterminds made the international human crime of slavery possible. (Image: Historical illustration of a slave ship, Grafissimo / istock) The example...

DAMALS podcast, episode four: Women in the Bundeswehr

Enjoying history in an unfamiliar format, that is what “THEN and now. The podcast on history ”. Now the fourth episode is...

Roman rail armor discovered in Kalkriese

One of the metal rails of the Roman armor from Kalkriese. (Image: Museum and Park Kalkriese) It is a real rarity: in Kalkriese in...

Bird mummies: wild animals or farmed animals?

A sample is taken from a mummified buzzard. (Image: Romain Amiot / LGL-TPE / CNRS) They symbolized the gods Thoth and Horus: ibises and...

Neanderthals: Replaced Y chromosomes

For the first time, the Y chromosome of Neanderthals and Denisovans could now also be examined. (Image: MPI f. Evolutionary Anthropology) New trace of...

Violence and bloody rituals among the steppe warriors

1700-year-old skeletons of South Siberian steppe nomads from the Tunnug 1 site. (Image: Tunnug 1 Research Project) For the ancient historians, the steppe nomads of...

Man reached Arabia 120,000 years ago

The first human footprint discovered at Lake Alathar and the corresponding digital elevation model (Image: Stewart et al., 2020) The Arabian Peninsula forms a bridge...

Viking genetics unraveled

Many Vikings were likely more brunette than blonde. (Image: Jim Lyngvild) The Vikings have decisively shaped the history of Europe. But who were...

Phoenician wine press discovered

Reconstruction of the wine press from the 7th century BC (Image: O. Bruderer, with the kind permission of the Tell el-Burak excavation project) They...

THEN Podcast, Episode Three: Rome’s Battle Against the Pirates

Enjoying history in an unfamiliar format, that is what “THEN and now. The podcast on history ”. Now the third episode is...

Wreck of the German cruiser “Karlsruhe” discovered

Sonar image from the wreck of the German cruiser "Karlsruhe". (Image: Stattnet / Isurvey) On April 9, 1940, the cruiser “Karlsruhe” led the German...

A chamois for ice mummy research

After the rescue, the animal mummy was brought to Bolzano by helicopter with the support of the Italian army. (Image: Esercito Italiano -...

Westallgäu was a Bronze Age traffic junction

The climate and nature in the Bronze Age West Allgäu were not as favorable as here in Hegau. (Image: University of Tübingen) In the...

Europeans have only tolerated milk for a few thousand years

Bronze Age skull from the Tollensetal (Image: Stefan Sauer / Tollensetal-Projekt) In today's northern and central Europe, most people can still digest the milk sugar...

THEN podcast, episode two: 1973 military coup in Chile

On September 11, 1973, the Chilean army launched a coup against the socialist president Salvador Allende. The second episode of the new podcast...

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