Archaeologists have discovered ceramics of interesting origins on the headland of the small island of Tavolara off Sardinia. (Image: Travel Wild / iStock)
Some of the sarcophagi discovered in Saqqara. (Image: Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Archeology)
Archaeologists have already made several impressive finds in the Egyptian...
Many structures and masterminds made the international human crime of slavery possible. (Image: Historical illustration of a slave ship, Grafissimo / istock)
The example...
For the first time, the Y chromosome of Neanderthals and Denisovans could now also be examined. (Image: MPI f. Evolutionary Anthropology)
New trace of...
1700-year-old skeletons of South Siberian steppe nomads from the Tunnug 1 site. (Image: Tunnug 1 Research Project)
For the ancient historians, the steppe nomads of...
The first human footprint discovered at Lake Alathar and the corresponding digital elevation model (Image: Stewart et al., 2020)
The Arabian Peninsula forms a bridge...
Reconstruction of the wine press from the 7th century BC (Image: O. Bruderer, with the kind permission of the Tell el-Burak excavation project)
Bronze Age skull from the Tollensetal (Image: Stefan Sauer / Tollensetal-Projekt)
In today's northern and central Europe, most people can still digest the milk sugar...