History & Archaeology

Mysterious finds in Lake Constance

A Bronze Age skull find in Lake Constance. (Image: Tobias Pflederer, Bavarian Society for Underwater Archeology e.V.) Was there a hitherto unknown settlement on the...

Insights into the armor of Henry VIII’s navy

Mary Rose wreck (Image: Johnny Black) The warship "Mary Rose" was once the pride of the English Navy and the darling of Tudor King Henry...

A trace of colonial failure

View of Mound Key, where Calusa's capital was once. The Spanish fort stood on Mound 2. (Image: Victor Thompson) A base with an exciting history:...

How to counter epidemics in past centuries

"Closing schools!": Newspaper article in The Morning of October 7, 1918 (Image: Austrian National Library Vienna, ANNO | www.anno.onb.ac.at) Measures such as social distancing, school...

Who left this business?

Koprolite (fecal stones) from a locality in China. (Image: Jada Ko, courtesy of the Anhui Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology) Archaeological treasures of...

Throwing stick of Homo heidelbergensis discovered

Homo heidelbergensis hunting with a throwing stick. (Image: Benoit Clarys) Hand axes and other stone tools from our ancestors are often found in archaeological excavations....

The origin of viticulture is in China

Amphora of the Yangshao culture, 4800-3600 BC BC and 900 year old shaman tomb with ceramic jug in Jiahu. (Image: Peter Kupfer) Today France or...

An Indian empire reveals its secret

The power center of the Calusa was an impressive building on an artificial elevation, which is said to have accommodated 2000 people. (Image: Merald...

Diary reveals everyday life on a research ship from the 1920s

The German Atlantic Expedition began in 1925 with the research ship "Meteor". (Image: DSM) The German Atlantic Expedition in the 1920s was a milestone in...

Neanderthal thread detected

The approximately 6.2 mm long and 0.5 mm wide cord fragment in a close-up. (Image: C2RMF) Ropes and ropes were already integral parts of Neanderthal...

Forest islands: ancient traces of plant cultivation

The flood savannah in the lowlands of Bolivia is littered with small forest islands. (Image: Umberto Lombardo) Researchers report that thousands of forest islands in...

Ornate ostrich eggs on the trail

This decorated ostrich egg comes from an ewta 2600 year old grave in Italy (Image: Tamar Hodos / University of Bristol) Long before they became...

Insight into an SS labor camp on the channel island of Alderney

Ruins of SS camp "Sylt" on Alderney in 1945. (Image: Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum) During the Second World War, the Nazis also...

The oldest Homo erectus

Homo-erectus skull from Drimolen. (Image: Therese van Wyk / University of Johannesburg) Where and when our ancestor Homo erectus developed has so far been controversial....

“Lucy”: monkey brain – but long childhood

The results are based on the reconstruction of fossil skulls from Australopithecus afarensis. (Image: Philipp Gunz, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.de) News from "Lucy" and Co:...

Pandemic 300 years ago – the original daily reports

The world's oldest daily newspaper, which still exists today, has been published since 1703: Viennaerian diarium - today's Wiener Zeitung. Now you can do...

The last survivor of the slave ship Clotilda

Portrait of Matilda McCrear (Image: Newcastle University / Crear Family) In 1860 the last slave ship landed in the United States. On board was Matilda...

Neanderthals: coastal fare instead of mammoth roast

View of the three entrances to the Figueira Brava cave in Portugal. (Image: João Zilhão) They hunted mammoths and co in the ice age steppes...

Enigmatic “mantis man”

This rock drawing puzzles archaeologists. (Image: Dr. Mohammad Naserifard) A strange shaped body with six limbs - what is that supposed to represent? Archaeologists have...

How precise is radiocarbon dating?

There may be discrepancies in radiocarbon dating of Egyptian mummies. (Image: webking / iStock) The age determination of archaeological finds using radiocarbon dating could be...

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