Shell wants to set up the largest European hydrogen project

Shell and Gasunie want to set up Europe’s largest hydrogen project in the port of Delfzijl. The parties plan to produce hydrogen from a large wind farm there by 2030.

There is no lack of ambition. The parties want to build a wind farm with a capacity of 3 to 4 gigawatts. This would be one of the largest wind projects in the world. Ultimately the size should grow by 2040 to a capacity of 10 gigawatts. Such a wind farm would produce as much electricity as 12.5 million households use annually. This green energy is then used to produce hydrogen. If all plans are met, in 2040 the project could produce 800,000 tonnes of green hydrogen annually. This would save 7 megatons of CO2 emissions per year.

Greening industry

“In the northern Netherlands we are already actively building the green industry of the future,” says Groningen Seaports CEO Cas König. “For example, an important part of the industry in Delfzijl is already using hydrogen and the construction of Europe’s largest green hydrogen plant in our port city is close by.” For the coming time, it is all about planning. First, they look at how feasible the project actually is. This process must be completed by the end of the year. After that, legislation and policy must also be discussed with governments. The project does, however, have the support of the province of Groningen.

The arrival of the new project could be a good boost for the automotive industry. At the end of this year, it is possible to refuel in only twenty places. The newest hydrogen stations are installed by Holthausen Energy Points in the Amsterdam port area and in Groningen.

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