SiriGPT? Why Apple is not (yet) coming up with its own ChatGPT

ChatGPT is becoming increasingly popular and Apple can no longer ignore the chatbot. Where is Apple’s own ChatGPT?

Apple meeting on AI

Apple recently held a meeting where the developments in the field of artificial intelligence were discussed. At the meeting, Apple discussed the progress made in Artificial Intelligence (AI) over the past year.

Read also: ChatGPT: subscription now available in the Netherlands (that’s how expensive it is)

This is an annual event for Apple, but this year the event attracted more attention due to the big breakthrough of ChatGPT. Google and Microsoft have already announced that they are working on their own ChatGPT. What about SiriGPTApple’s own ChatGPT?

chat gpt plus

SiriGPT will not be available (for the time being).

At the event, which was only intended for Apple employees, Apple did not make any major statements about the development of its own chatbot. What was mentioned is that the team, which deals with artificial intelligence, has made ‘huge steps’. What exactly Apple means by this is not clear, but the company is in any case working on AI.

The development of its own chatbot was therefore not mentioned, but this does not mean that Apple is not working on its own ChatGPT. Reportedly, the Apple Reality, Apple’s own VR glasses, will be released this year. It is possible that AI will play an important role in the glasses, so that the focus of the developers is now on the glasses.

After all, it was already clear earlier that no further major developments are expected this year with a view to the launch of Apple Reality. It is therefore quite possible that Apple is working on its own ChatGPT – or something similar – but that its development has now faded into the background.

chat gpt siri

Possible announcement at WWDC

Should Apple work on its own ChatGPT, we probably won’t hear about it until WWDC in June. This is Apple’s annual conference, where Apple presents all new software updates. It is quite possible that Apple will release (slightly) more information there about the development of its own chatbot or about future plans in the field of AI.

So for now we have to do without a ChatGPT from Apple. Do you want to know more about the smart chatbot? Check here how to use ChatGPT in Dutch and also check which ChatGPT app you absolutely should not install in the App Store. Do you want to try the free version of the chatbot? Then check the ChatGPT web page!

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