Sleep mistakes: You should avoid these 5

Sleep mistakes: You should avoid these 5
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / JESHOOTS-com

Excessive heat, distractions, and overeating—there are a few factors that can disrupt your sleep. We introduce you to the five most common mistakes.

Do you have trouble falling asleep or do you feel rested after sleeping? Perhaps it is due to one or more of the most common sleep mistakes that many people make. From the ideal temperature to the right food and exercise in the evening – we present the five most common mistakes.

1. Your bedroom is too warm

If your bedroom is too warm, you will likely have trouble falling asleep. The ideal room temperature for sleeping is 15 to 18 degrees, although the subjective perception can vary. It is recommended that you leave the room for about a quarter of an hour before going to bed shock ventilation.

The thicker your pajamas and blanket, the warmer it will be for you. It is worth giving up synthetic pajamas and opting for natural materials instead. The same also applies to your bed linen. It’s best to grab one Organic bed linen from organic farming. You are doing something good for the environment and your health.

2. You go to bed at different times

With a fixed rhythm you feel particularly relaxed after sleeping.
With a fixed rhythm you feel particularly relaxed after sleeping.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / congerdesign)

You’ll feel particularly refreshed after sleeping if you have a solid sleep rhythm have. This means that you go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time in the morning. This is probably not always easy to integrate into your everyday life. But the more often you do this, the more alert and rested you will feel. According to a study, you are healthiest with six to eight hours of sleep a day.

3. To bed with a full stomach

Never go to bed on a full stomach! In this case, your body is too busy digesting. If possible, only take light and stomach-friendly food to you, such as steamed vegetables or a warm soup.

It is also advisable to leave at least three hours between eating and sleeping so that you can digest optimally beforehand. Especially if you’re prone to heartburn, you should wait that amount of time between eating dinner and lying down. You can find more help with heartburn here: Home remedies for heartburn: what really works.

4. Exercise right before bed

If you want to exercise in the evening, it is best to do so at least three hours before bed.
If you want to exercise in the evening, it is best to do so at least three hours before bed.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / lograstudio)

you want in the evening do sports? Generally this is not a problem. Finally, it can help you reduce stress and become more relaxed. However, make sure that you workout at home or at the gym at least three hours before bed. Otherwise, it will not help you fall asleep faster, but rather prevent you from doing so. After all, your body needs some time to calm down. For example, you can also use one evening routine help.

5. You leave your phone on

It is best to switch your phone to airplane mode before you go to bed.
It is best to switch your phone to airplane mode before you go to bed.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / JESHOOTS-com)

Notifications from social media channels such as Facebook or Instagram and new messages from Whatsapp or WhatsApp alternatives can keep you awake and prevent you from falling asleep. Or they wake you up again and again in your sleep phase. It is therefore best to put your smartphone in flight mode or switch it off completely so that you do not receive any messages at night. Alternatively, you can put your cell phone in another room.

These measures will help you to reduce your digital stress. This is also summarized under the term “digital detox” together.


  • Painting the bedroom: which colors ensure a good night’s sleep
  • Bedtime for children: parents should know that
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