Spotted on Funda: the villa of Jan des Bouvrie. Including 1 million euros worth of cars

Just as we often search for expensive cars, we also sometimes look for unaffordable houses on There we came across this 10 million giga-villa of the late Jan des Bouvrie. Duration? Meh, if the cars in the garage are included in the price, it’s not that bad.

Spotted on Funda: the villa of Jan des Bouvrie.  Including 1 million euros worth of cars

Beautiful, isn’t it, daydreaming about exotic sports cars, rare classics and luxurious villas. Only the landing is so hard every time you wake up in your boring terraced house with a worn-out Opel Astra in front of the door …

Impressive sizes

Yet we do not want to withhold from you the images of the villa of the late Jan des Bouvrie. The capital is located in Naarden (where else?), on a plot of almost 22,000 square meters. The white palace has a living space of more than 1,300 square meters. We would prefer to call the garden a park and you can also get lost in the house itself. There are no less than 11 rooms, including a bar with an impressive stock of drinks.

Spotted on Funda: the villa of Jan des Bouvrie.  Including 1 million euros worth of cars

Whiskey, rum and chlorinated water

If you’d rather immerse yourself in chlorinated water than in whiskey or rum, you can head to the indoor pool. Do you hate painting? Then we hope you like a lot of white, because that was clearly Jan’s favorite color. Jan des Bouvrie himself was a design legend in his lifetime, but he also had an eye for well-known colleagues. For example, we see Rietveld chairs and we virtually stumble over Le Corbusier’s benches.

Spotted on Funda: the villa of Jan des Bouvrie.  Including 1 million euros worth of cars
Spotted on Funda: the villa of Jan des Bouvrie.  Including 1 million euros worth of cars
Spotted on Funda: the villa of Jan des Bouvrie.  Including 1 million euros worth of cars

Garage de is the most beautiful space

Of all the spaces in and around the house, we find the garage the most interesting. As it turns out: Jan des Bouvrie not only had an eye for design furniture, he was also fond of design classics from the car industry. And they are not white, but black. Two cars can be admired in their full glory: a Chevrolet Corvette C1 from the early 1960s and a Porsche 356 Speedster from 1957. Such a Corvette quickly costs 100,000 euros and a 356 Speedster in good condition costs just half a million euros.

Spotted on Funda: the villa of Jan des Bouvrie.  Including 1 million euros worth of cars
Spotted on Funda: the villa of Jan des Bouvrie.  Including 1 million euros worth of cars
Spotted on Funda: the villa of Jan des Bouvrie.  Including 1 million euros worth of cars

Ferrari and Jaguar

The cars that are only pictured with their graceful buttocks are a Ferrari Dino 346 (left) and a Jaguar E-Type OTS (convertible). The Ferrari is certainly worth a sloppy 325,000 euros and for an open E-Type in good condition you have to pay at least a ton. We are talking about a total of more than a million cars. If those are included in the price of the villa, it’s actually a bargain. On to Naarden!

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