‘Acting Pauliane’ may be punished

The receiver of the bankrupt Spyker is demanding €1.5 million from former CEO Victor Muller. In a sense, it is about a refund, because Muller removed valuables from Spyker’s premises when the latter’s bankruptcy was already unavoidable – and that is not allowed.
The bankruptcy trustee of the bankrupt Spyker is claiming €1.5 million from former CEO Victor Muller, due to the emptying of a hall in Zeewolde in the run-up to the bankruptcy of a part of Spyker. That writes Het Financieele Dagblad. According to the newspaper, a trustee’s investigation has shown that various sports cars and engine blocks have been unlawfully transferred to Spyker’s British parent company, of which Muller is a director. A business partner of Muller is also being held accountable for the allegation of so-called ‘paulianous’ actions, whereby parties who are owed something by an (almost) bankrupt company are disadvantaged.
From ‘an airport in Spain’, Muller says on Thursday that he is not yet familiar with the latest trustee’s report. He does confirm that Spyker Ltd. received a summons letter earlier this month. Muller refuses to pay, because according to him “there is no question whatsoever” of unlawful withdrawals.
What’s the situation with Spyker?
The last time we wrote about Spyker was on the last day of 2021. Then we described ambitious plans (which Spyker often had) for the production of three different models from 2022, for which parts had to be produced in Russia. Whether the lack of new production is due to the latter is unclear and unlikely, but one thing is certain: no new Spykers have yet been built. Now that the company is once again in the news in a negative sense, the hope that that will ever happen again is diminishing.
– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl