Stimulate appetite: This works for children, old and sick people

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / TesaPhotography

Stimulating appetite is often a lengthy process that requires a lot of patience and trial and error. We give you tips on how to motivate people with anorexia to eat.

The reasons for a long-term loss of appetite can vary widely. This can be caused by external factors that put a great deal of stress on you mentally and physically and therefore repeatedly trigger stress. Loss of appetite can also appear as a symptom of various clinical pictures, such as a mostly harmless gastrointestinal infection or more serious diseases such as chronic intestinal inflammation, infectious diseases, cancer or eating disorders.

Also Food intolerance or food poisoning can spoil your appetite in the short or long term. Finally is Loss of appetite especially common among older people who either lose their appetite for food or simply forget to eat. But how can you stimulate your appetite again?

Stimulate appetite with favorite dishes, spices and herbs

If you want to stimulate the appetite, you should start with small portions and orient yourself to the eating preferences of the person concerned.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / silviarita)
If you want to stimulate the appetite, you should start with small portions and orient yourself to the eating preferences of the person concerned.

If you want to help acquaintances, friends, relatives or children to stimulate their appetite, you can try the following tips:

  • Start with several small portions a day instead of two or three large meals.
  • Prepare the food as much as possible according to the preferences of the person concerned in front. So you can cook your child’s favorite dish (even if this may not meet all the requirements of a healthy diet) or ask which foods they would most like to eat now. Often sick people suddenly get an appetite for very simple and simple dishes or for more unusual combinations.
  • Also try that Sense of sight and smell to address by arranging the food as appealing as possible and cooking in the vicinity of the person concerned so that they also perceive the smells.
  • Also with Herbs the appetite can be stimulated. The following are particularly effective: Caraway seed, yarrow, Wormwood, Yellow gentian, Centaury herb and dandelions. From this you can make a tea that the person in question drinks throughout the day. Also cinnamon and ginger can help. You can also use this for a tea or for seasoning.

Important: If in doubt, talk to pharmacists or doctors in advance about taking the herbs. This is especially true for pregnant women, people with pre-existing conditions and taking medication.

Stimulate appetite: abstinence, exercise and relaxation

Relaxation and exercise can be other useful methods to stimulate appetite.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Free-Photos)
Relaxation and exercise can be other useful methods to stimulate appetite.

Here are some more tips to stimulate your appetite:

  • Make sure that the person concerned no alcohol increases as this can increase the loss of appetite.
  • If the physical condition allows, you can make a difference together, for example by going for a short walk in the fresh air.
  • Especially when stress is the triggering factor for loss of appetite Relaxation exercises, how Breathing exercises, meditation, Yoga or Progressive Muscle Relaxation Remedy.
  • Always make sure that the person is affected throughout the day enough liquid consumes. Even if she doesn’t eat enough, she should drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters a day. You can fortify the liquid with sweet juices or teas honey sweet. Pay attention to the individual preferences of the person concerned if possible.
  • Especially in children and adults who suffer from gastrointestinal flu nausea, Vomiting or diarrhea suffer, you shouldn’t force food. In these cases, the sick people should listen to the signals from their body and, if necessary, stop eating for a few hours so that the body can slowly regenerate itself again.
  • People often suffer from long-term loss of appetite and eat too little food for a long time, such as with an eating disorder Lack of nutrients the consequence. In this case, in consultation with doctors, it can be helpful Food supplements feed.


  • Proper nutrition: 10 nutrition myths revealed!
  • Gastric food: Easily digestible food for the stomach
  • Orthorexia phenomenon: Are you afraid of eating “wrong”?

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