Switch Windows 7: Install Linux Mint

Linux Mint

In the future, machines with Windows 7 will continue to work. Unfortunately, Microsoft is no longer releasing updates, which means that usage after January 14, 2020 poses more danger. For example, the American software company is no longer developing solutions for security gaps. Hackers will undoubtedly see their chance and will probably benefit from poorly secured computers. Don’t let it get that far!

Microsoft recommends that most users purchase a new Windows 10 device. Would you rather not discard your precious computer equipment? Keep your money in your wallet and get started with the promising free operating system Linux Mint.

Pay attention:When you follow the steps in this article, you remove Windows 7 including all data from the system. For that reason it is important to back up personal files such as documents, photos, videos and music.

Also read:10 tips for the perfect backup

What is Linux Mint?

The name Linux still scares the mouth of many. Many people fear complicated fuss with lengthy commands. Fortunately, there are nowadays extremely user-friendly Linux distributions with a graphical interface. For example, even the most inveterate Windows users often find their way around Linux Mint effortlessly. Linux Mint even looks a bit like Windows 7. The menu button at the bottom left, for example, gives you access to a browser, word processor and photo editor. Just like with Windows, you can easily add extra programs to the operating system, such as Skype and Spotify.

There are different versions of Linux Mint, namely Xfce, Mate and Cinnamon. The latter version is the most complete and also looks very nice.

Linux Mint system requirements

The system requirements are not that bad. A reasonable processor in combination with 1 GB of RAM are enough to get this operating system up and running. Incidentally, the developers recommend 2 GB of memory, so you will not be bothered by delays. You also need 15 GB of free disk space, although that will not be a problem on most PCs and laptops.

Download Linux Mint

Linux Mint is available as a 32-bit and 64-bit version. It depends on the processor type of the computer which version you need. For installation on a somewhat older system, a 32-bit version is usually obvious, but it is best not to blindly assume that. Open the utility Control Panel and go to System and security and System. Behind Type of system you can quickly see which version you are currently using. Then surf to linuxmint.com/download.php and click behind Cinnamon on 32 bit or 64 bit. Then a list of links appears where you can get the Linux Mint installation file.

Linux Mint

For a fast file transfer you prefer to choose a Dutch download server, for example that of NLUUG or Triple IT. To do this, scroll a little down to the middle of the page. You save the iso file of a small 2 GB somewhere on the hard disk.

Make bootable USB stick

You can install a new operating system in roughly two ways, namely from a bootable DVD or USB stick. Not all laptops and PCs have an optical drive built in. A USB port is available on every system, as long as it is not a system from the “prehistory”. For that reason we explain how you can start the installation of Linux Mint from a bootable USB stick. You need a stickie of at least 4 GB for this. Remember that you lose all existing data on this storage medium.

Creating a bootable USB stick requires special software. surf to balena.io/etcher and click on the green button Download for Windows to download Etecher. The program is also available for macOS and Linux, so you can also make the bootable USB stick from other systems. You execute the exe file under Windows to prepare the installation. Open the program and select via Select image the just downloaded iso file.

Make sure that the intended USB stick is marked in the middle. If that is not the case, point via Change the correct storage medium. Confirm last with Flash! to make the bootable USB stick. This task takes around ten minutes. The message appears afterwards Flash Complete! in picture.

Customize computer start-up menu

The intention is that you start the installation stick directly with the PC or laptop. To do this, you must select the USB stick as the first boot station in the computer’s system menu. This system menu is called the bios or the uefi in computer jargon. You reach the system menu by pressing a specific keyboard shortcut after switching on the machine. Which shortcut is exactly that varies per system. When you try out F2, F10 and / or Delete, you are usually in the right place.

Once successful, look up the startup settings. See if you have a cup somewhere Boat menu and then select the USB stick as the first boot station. After the adjustment you perform a restart. After a few moments the Linux Mint logo appears on the screen.


Test without obligation

Before you install Linux Mint and finally get rid of Windows 7, you first have to look around without obligation in this fun operating system. A live environment first appears on the screen. This temporary interface is executed directly from the USB stick. See it as a taste. You will probably notice after a while that the navigation structure is broadly in line with that of Windows 7. Just click on the Linux Mint logo at the bottom left and discover which standard programs are available. When using a laptop, view the remaining battery capacity in the lower right, while you adjust the volume via the loudspeaker icon.

You can already insert a network cable into the computer. When connected to WiFi, click on the icon with the two arrows in the bottom right. Choose the correct network name and enter the corresponding password. Confirm with Connect. Incidentally, the live environment is in English, but that is no longer the case after the final installation procedure. Linux Mint is in fact completely Dutch.

Install Linux Mint

It is high time to start the final installation. Click on the desktop icon within the live environment Install Linux Mint. In the first screen you select Dutch, after which you press Further click through to the next window. If all is well, the correct keyboard layout is already marked, namely English (US).

In the next screen, enter the (wireless) network settings, if necessary, if you had not already done so in the previous window. Then check the option Install third-party software for video cards and wireless network cards, Flash, MP3 and other media types On. With this, Linux Mint picks suitable drivers from the web wherever possible. This benefits the operation of the computer. After a mouse click on Further you decide how you want to perform the installation.

Linux Mint

Linux Mint indicates that an operating system (Windows 7) is already running. It is possible to realize a dual-boot system with two operating systems, but we do not recommend this due to the limited expiration date of Windows 7. Mark Erase disk and install Linux Mint and confirm with Further. Bee Select disc you decide on which hard disk you want to install Linux Mint. Pay attention to the presence of multiple disks.

click on Install now. It is possible that another warning will appear that with this action you will destroy all existing data on the hard disk.

Create user account

During the installation procedure you immediately create an account. Through Further first enter your current location. Click again Further and enter all user account information. This is how you type your real name and username. Your computer will also get a pet name. Of course you secure the account with a strong password. Consider at the bottom whether you want to register the system automatically or whether you prefer to enter a password each time.

Feel free to get a cup of coffee now, because it takes a while before Linux Mint has written all the system files. Afterwards you can definitely get started with this beautiful operating system. Remove the bootable USB stick from the computer and perform a restart. Linux Mint is now starting up and is ready for use. Have fun with your new operating system!


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