Telegram, a popular WhatsApp alternative, has received a major update. With the new version you can, among other things, send video messages to each other.
This is how you send video messages via Telegram
With version 4.0 of Telegram you can send short video messages to your contacts. The feature is similar to the existing audio messages, but now allows you to send a short video as well.
Recording and sending a video message is also very similar to an audio message. By tapping the microphone, a camera icon will appear. Keep it pressed while recording your message. By swiping up on the camera you can also record a message without having to keep your finger on the screen.
According to Telegram, video messages are automatically downloaded and played. You can turn this off via the app settings, which is recommended if you have a limited data bundle. You can watch video messages while you are in another chat: videos will continue to play in the corner of your screen.
Telegram has also introduced a new video platform for channels with the update. Public channels can post videos up to a minute on Telescope. These can then not only be viewed in the app itself, but also on the internet via a public link.
In addition to video, links to articles have also received love in Telegram 4.0. Now if you share an article via Telegram, Instant View allows you to instantly open the text without having to load a browser. Website builders can use templates to make their content easy to read for Telegram users, allowing articles to load smoothly and display more clearly.
Download Telegram
Telegram can be downloaded for free in the App Store via the link below. Make sure you have iOS 6 or higher and 72MB of free storage space.
→ Download Telegram from the App Store (free)