Telegram coming soon with the paid Telegram Premium (video)

Telegram coming soon with the paid Telegram Premium (video)

Telegram comes with a paid subscription service called ‘Telegram Premium’. The service will likely cost $5 a month and will give chat service users access to additional and exclusive features. What can you expect from Telegram Premium?

Telegram Premium

Last April we already came with the news that we could expect the paid version of Telegram soon. However, we didn’t know at the time what functions the paid version would get. One month later we knew by a message on reddit however, already that the paid version will include exclusive stickers. Now we know, through information from BleepingComputerTG info and by members in our own Telegram group, even more about ‘Telegram Premium’. While Telegram itself hasn’t officially released anything yet, Bleepingcomputers, for example, has had access to an earlier version of the paid version of Telegram.

For about $5 a month, users will soon be able to use exclusive stickers, add a moving image to their profile picture, use 140 instead of 70 characters to describe themselves in their profile, disable ads and upload files of 4 GB. With the free version, this is currently 2 GB.

In our Telegram group, Androdiworld reader Tom already gave a nice look at the features of Premium. You can watch it in the video below.

Extra income

Telegram Premium is launched by the messaging app to generate more revenue. In 2020, the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, said the following about it: “The company will make money to cover the costs, or it will be acquired.” According to Pavel Durov, a paid version of Telegram is therefore necessary to guarantee the future of Telegram. In 2020, the company already announced a revenue model with premium functions and with advertisements in the channels of the app. The price in euros of Telegram Premium is not yet known.

Do I have to pay?

Fortunately, for the people who do not like having to pay, there is and will continue to be a free version of Telegram. They can therefore expect advertising between messages in public channels. We recently polled in an AW Poll about the interest of our readers in Telegram Premium and you can discover the result here.

It Androidworld’s Telegram Channel is in any case free to follow. In this channel you will meet even more tech and Android enthusiasts and you will find more tips and tricks about Android. You can join the group through this link

Would you pay for extra features in Telegram? Let us know in the comments below this article.

Telegram coming soon with the paid Telegram Premium (video)

Thanks for the tip, Tom!

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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