Telegram has been taken offline in Brazil due to an email error

Telegram has been taken offline in Brazil due to an email error

Telegram has been taken offline in Brazil for allegedly failing to comply with state requests to block certain accounts spreading misinformation. According to Telegram founder Pavel Durov, something went wrong in the email and he hopes the Brazilian judge will give him longer to rectify this.

Telegram offline in Brazil

According to Brazil, Durov and his team have repeatedly refused to freeze accounts that spread disinformation and therefore do not comply with the laws and regulations that apply in that country. CEO Pavel Durov has apologized for the negligence and hopes he will be given a few more days to comply with government requests and rules. Telegram in Brazil is teeming with far-right users, who are no longer able to use other social media after the Brazilian government indicated that offensive accounts that spread disinformation should be banned.

Telegram was also supposed to ban such accounts, but has not done so to date, so the Brazilian judge decided to no longer allow the app. According to Durov, it is not unwillingness, but has everything to do with emails that have not been processed properly. He writes: “I am sure that when there is a reliable communication channel, we can efficiently comply with the requests to shut down public channels that are banned in Brazil.”

Telegram has been taken offline in Brazil due to an email error

E-mail error

He writes, “It seems we had a problem with emails going between our business addresses and the Brazilian Supreme Court,” Durov says. He has therefore asked the court to send future requests to a special e-mail address. However, the court did not, causing Telegram to miss the emails. Now Telegram says it has found the emails and hopes to find a solution together with the court.

  • Download Telegram from Google Play

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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