Is your head always only half in the picture when you take a selfie? Or are you standard over or underexposed? Then you can use some selfie tips. After all, today’s smartphone can compete somewhat with professional cameras. The perfect selfie is therefore within reach with these ten selfie tips.
Seek out the natural light
Natural light is always more beautiful in a photo than your flash or the light of a lamp. So to get a really nice result, you have to look up this natural light by standing near a window, for example. By the way, did you know that cloudy days are the best days to take photos? Bright sunlight can cause dark shadows and harsh lines in photos. You can of course play with this for taking selfies, but if you would like to photograph an object, a hard shadow is undesirable.
Wipe your lens
If you want your photo to be nice and sharp, without crazy spots or smudges, you have to keep your lens clean. A clean lens ensures crystal clear and well-focused photos. Microfibre cloths, which are sometimes sold as glasses cleaning cloths, are great for cleaning your lens.
Use your timer
The selfie where you hold your smartphone at an arm’s length is of course known to everyone. However, it does not always produce the best pictures. Therefore, use the timer on your phone so that you can photograph more than just your head and neck. Many phones allow you to set hand gestures for certain actions. So you can set a timer yourself or see if there is a hand gesture available that you can set to activate your timer.
Perfect your pose
Good posture is half the battle of a successful selfie. So check which angle works best for you. In general, photos taken from below make your face thicker or your body smaller. Also make sure that you do not press body parts against each other but keep them slightly away from each other. Movement also works well in photos. For example, pretend you’re walking and walk very slowly towards the camera. Or start laughing to induce a real heartfelt smile. Could you use some inspiration or tips? On YouTube and social media there are countless videos of photographers who explain how to pose best. Search for ‘how to pose’ or ‘posing tips’. It may not be comfortable, but it does provide a good photo.
Be creative
Do you want to take a unique photo? Then there are endless possibilities to give your selfie a creative edge. For example, use some props such as plants, books or anything else that stands out in the photo. You can also put a lot of creativity into your posture. A photo in front of a white wall while standing in the center of the image with your arms at your sides is not very challenging. Try something new, make a funny face or sit in a different way. Or look for an interesting location to get started. Your imagination is limitless so make use of it!
Use tools
Tripods and selfie sticks can be really useful to create that little bit of extra distance on your photo. So don’t be embarrassed when you take your selfie stick out of your bag on vacation. After all, the thing not only has a good photo as an advantage, you also do not have to ask other people to take a photo of you and you keep the control. In addition, a tripod also works well if you want to take pictures at home. For example, place the tripod with your phone on a table with a stack of books to get a better angle for your photo. Editing software also counts as a tool that you should not ignore. By editing your photo and playing with the colors and light, you can bring your image to life.
7 Turn on your grid / grid
To take an aesthetically pleasing photo, it is important for both selfies and regular photos that the image you shoot is in balance. Turning on your grid / grid helps with this. With this you can see where on the grid / on the photo your object or person is and so you can apply the golden rule of three. This third-party composition rule ensures that the photo automatically appears as a stronger whole.
8 Use the rear camera
It is of course a lot easier to use the camera on the front of your phone when you shoot selfies. After all, you can always see yourself and adjust your posture. However, this camera is always of lesser quality than the camera on the back of your phone. So do you want to go for perfection? Then put your phone in a tripod, use the timer and switch to the camera on the back of your phone.
9 Focus
Although most phones have an autofocus mode, you can also lend your device a hand. When taking a photo, always tap on your screen on the object you want to focus on. This also applies to taking a selfie. Just stand by a window and see what the difference is if you do and don’t tap your face before taking a picture. Tip: also tap on the lightest part of your face where the (sun) light falls on. With this you can play with light and shadow and create an interesting effect.
10 Ask someone else for help
Well, if you follow this tip, it is officially no longer a selfie, but a portrait. Nevertheless, it can be very helpful to ask someone else for help. Especially when this person likes to take pictures and has a good view of them. This person can also give you directions on what looks nice or how to rotate your face or body for the best results. In addition, it can be a fun exercise for both of you and you can alternate.