Tesla CEO sells $5 billion worth of Tesla stock

Tesla CEO sells  billion worth of Tesla stock

Tesla CEO Elon Musk manages to find his way to the news channels more than once in a special way. The eccentric Musk has decided after a vote on social media to sell roughly $5 billion worth of Tesla shares.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk asked his 62.5 million followers on Twitter whether he should sell 10 percent of his shares in Tesla. The result of the remarkable ballot was obvious. About 58 percent of the more than 3.5 million twitterers thought that was quite a good idea.

Elon Musk tweets

Musk sold 3.5 million Tesla shares worth about $3.88 billion early this week. American media report that the outspoken CEO already sold $1.1 billion worth of Tesla shares in September, partly to meet tax obligations. Financially, you certainly do not have to feel sorry for Elon Musk, the American CNBC reports that the CEO still has more than 166 million shares in Tesla.

– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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