‘The Netherlands is the second fastest country in the world to drive into’

‘The Netherlands is the second fastest country in the world to drive into’

You might not say it, but the Netherlands has almost ideal conditions to continue driving. From research by moneybarn worldwide, only Germany appears to be an even ‘faster’ country to drive into.

Although it has not been the way we are used to for over a year and a half, we all know how the roads in large parts of the Netherlands can sometimes silt up. After all, we live with a lot of people on a small piece of earth. On the other hand, we do have good roads and of course there are also large parts of the country where you can almost always drive on. All in all, it is so good that according to research by the British moneybarn there is only one country in the world where it is even easier to drive fast: Germany.

Various factors were investigated that determine how well you can drive fast in a country: the average delay due to traffic, the number of days per year with little traffic, the maximum permitted speed and the quality of the roads. The Netherlands scores mainly with road quality and traffic delays: “The Netherlands has one of the lowest traffic delays in the world, only 18 percent, which means that a journey with traffic jams takes on average only 18 percent longer than if there are no traffic jams. the second best road quality in the world, with a score of 6.4 out of 7. Those two factors combined with the maximum speed of 130 km/h make the Netherlands the second fastest and best country to drive in,” said Moneybarn . We wonder whether people are now aware of the 100 km/h limit that applies throughout the country during the day.

As mentioned, Germany is in first place, mainly because of the lack of speed limits on some routes. On the other hand, the road quality is less than here in the Netherlands, but that does not put the total score below that of the Netherlands. It is also striking that the entire top 5 consists of European countries, with Austria, Denmark and Finland behind the Netherlands and Germany.

Fastest countries

Avg. traffic delay Number of days with little traffic Max. speed Road quality Total score
1. Germany 21.3% 37.8 N/A 5.3 8.34
2. Netherlands 18.4% 31.1 130 km/h 6.4 8.31
3. Austria 21.2% 52 140 km/h 6.0 8.17
4. Denmark 17.7% 28 130 km/h 5.6 8.07
5. Finland 15.3% 12.7 120 km/h 5.3 7.96

Slowest countries

If there are ‘fastest countries’, there must of course also be ‘slowest countries’. In that respect, the dubious honor goes to Peru. That country mainly suffers from enormous traffic congestion (42 percent traffic delays) in combination with bad roads (score of 3.2 out of 7). Colombia, relatively close to Peru, is in second place among the slowest countries. This is followed by the Philippines, Indonesia and India. The closest ‘slow country’ is Romania.

The full results of the research and the methodology behind it find you here.

– Thanks for information from Techzle.nl

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