The search field in Windows 10

Search and you will find, also in Windows 10

Since a few versions of Windows 10, users of this operating system are treated with a prominent search field. What can you do with that and is that large variant so necessary …?

Windows 10 has a search aid on board just like any other self-respecting operating system. Only nowadays it is very prominent in the form of a search field directly next to the Start button. If you click in it, a larger panel will open; at the same time you can enter what you are looking for in the field. By default, everything is searched on your computer, until – if it goes well – something is found. That ‘something’ can be a document with a file name that matches the search term, for example, or a help topic or one of the many other things that are searched. If you want to search in a specific category, click on one of the categories at the top (All, Apps, Documents, Settings or E-mail. below More find some extra filters. It all works very well, but should that search field be so intrusive in those newer versions of Windows 10?

Modest search field (or completely gone)

Older versions of Windows 10 did not know this rather outrageous search field. A modest magnifying glass was shown instead. The advantage was that it did not take up valuable taskbar space. And – well – it was just a lot less present. Returning to that magnifying glass is possible. Click with the judge mouse button on the search field. In the context menu that opens, click below Search on Show search icon. Hop: there is the familiar and especially modest magnifying glass again. Nothing changes in functionality: click on the icon and search. If you use your own alternative search tool, you may not be waiting for the Windows searcher. In that case, click in the right mouse button menu below Search on Hidden. If you ever change your mind afterwards and want the Windows search tool back, click with the right mouse button on an empty piece of taskbar. In the context menu you can then go below Search activate one of the two display modes again.

Choose a more modest representation of the search field in Windows 10 here
Choose a more modest representation of the search field in Windows 10 here

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