Removing your password from your PC is usually a bad idea, unless it is a machine that is at home and you are the only one using it. In that case you can start faster by removing the login.

It is always a shock when a new version of Windows 10 appears, because an old trick suddenly can no longer work. This still works on the Windows 10 November Update (1909), all earlier versions, and we have no reason to believe that this will disappear. It works, as you can already guess, only on Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro.
We want to emphasize once more that the password, as well as biometric authentication or at least a pin code, are still a good idea in case someone steals the device. Certainly on a more mobile device such as a laptop, it is a requirement. But if you are sure that these risks are very small for you, we explain below how to remove your login from your system.
First, go to the taskbar and tap the search bar netplwiz to launch the User Accounts Control Network Places Wizard tool. Select the program from the results.
With this window you have access to the user accounts on your machine and access to the passwords. At the top you see a checked option: Users must provide a user name and password to use this computer. Turn that check off.
If you then click To apply click, you will be asked for your current password. Enter it twice and that’s all. The next time you start your PC, you no longer have to type the password. Strangely enough, netplwiz does not check whether the passwords entered are correct. If you enter the wrong password twice in one way or another, you suddenly see two accounts in the screen when you log in. They are identical and you must log in with your password or PIN code.
If you see this happen, start netplwiz again and enter your password again.
We have previously received messages from users that this trick did not work. A reader reported, for example, that this did not work with Lenovo PCs, but according to Lenovo it had to work. We also recently tested it here with a Lenovo machine and it just worked here.
Keep in mind that if your PC is being managed by an employer, the system administrator on a Windows 10 Pro PC for example may have set a password to be enforced through a group policy. In that case this trick will not work.