This way you can cancel all your online accounts

social media apps

You create an account on a web service in an instant, but getting rid of it is often a lot more difficult. Some services hide the way to the procedure to stop membership deep in all sorts of tabs and menus. Just Delete Me! is the online guide to delete online accounts.

Step 1: Color code

The structure of Just Delete Me! is very easy. Here you come to a website that has a large collection of websites and services where you have to register. Every website has a color code here. Green means that the account with this online service is easy to remove, orange indicates it is a bit harder to unsubscribe and sites that are colored red make it really hard to say hello. Some services are even marked in black, there it is According to Just Delete Me! utterly impossible to get rid of.

The colors indicate how difficult it is to cancel your account.

Step 2: Delete

At the top of Just Delete Me you change the language setting and you will also find Dutch at the options. Below that is a search box to search for a specific website by name. You can rank the huge collection of web services according to popularity, alphabet or difficulty. In the last option you have the choice between easy, average, difficult and impossible deregistration procedures. Once you have found the service that you want, you click Show information. Even though you have selected Dutch in the language settings, in this window you will always read in English what you need to do to withdraw membership.

In a small window you see the way to the page to unsubscribe.

Step 3: False identity

At the top you will find a link that brings you to a Chrome extension. If it is installed, you have a button in the Google browser that makes unsubscribing even easier. When you come to a website that is on the list of Just Delete Me! state, all you have to do is click on the button to get directly to the delete page of the website in question. Finally you will also find a button to the top Fake Identity Generator who creates a fake name, address, date of birth, username and password for you to use when you consider registering on a website that you do not fully trust.

Fake Identity Generator
Do you need inspiration to use a false identity when registering?

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