This WhatsApp feature makes iMessage and Telegram redundant

WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will make other chat services such as iMessage and Telegram redundant. This is changing!

WhatsApp to Telegram and iMessage

A new test version of WhatsApp has been released, adding a useful feature to the app. In the new version of WhatsApp you can also send messages to other apps, such as iMessage and Telegram. This is not yet possible, you can now only send messages to another WhatsApp account via WhatsApp.

Also read: New WhatsApp update: sharing photos and videos becomes much easier

A major improvement, because you no longer have to install a separate app to send a message to a Telegram user. The same goes for iMessage, soon WhatsApp will allow you to send messages to iMessage. This would mean that you will soon also be able to send chats to iMessage from an Android device. We explain why WhatsApp will soon allow you to send messages to Telegram and iMessage.


European legislation forces companies

The fact that WhatsApp is working on this new function is the result of new European legislation. It states that major chat platforms such as WhatsApp should be opened to other apps. This should prevent everyone from using just one app because it is the most popular. Thanks to the new legislation, you will soon also be able to text with friends who prefer to use Telegram or another app.

The legislation applies to all major chat services in Europe. This includes WhatsApp, but probably also Telegram and Messenger. Apple is currently trying to get out of the new European law by stating that iMessage does not have that many users in Europe. If Apple is proven wrong, iMessage should also be set up for apps like WhatsApp and Telegram.

pin whatsapp message

This is what WhatsApp will look like soon

To comply with new European legislation, WhatsApp adds a tab to the chat list in the latest version. In that tab you will find all chats from other apps. So you have a list of all your conversations on WhatsApp and all chats from Telegram and Messenger are in a separate list. Very useful, because this way all chats do not get mixed up and you keep a clear overview.

Also read: The end of WhatsApp is near (and we are happy about that)

Companies have until March 2024 to comply with European guidelines, so WhatsApp will probably release an update before then. This means that we will probably be able to send a message to Telegram or iMessage via WhatsApp next month. It remains to be seen whether Apple should also open up iMessage, but it is certainly certain for WhatsApp.

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