Tip: Clean up your iPhone home screen by increasing space between apps

Do you want to create more space or overview on the home screen of your iPhone? Via a detour you can better separate apps from each other, by adding empty space to your home screen. You can read exactly how that works in this tip.

More space between apps on your home screen

As every iPhone user knows, app icons are placed on the home screen in rows of four by default. You can move individual icons, but you do not have the complete freedom to place them where you want.

For example, if you have four apps at the top, you cannot ‘skip’ a number of rows and put them at the very bottom. If you try, the icon will automatically be placed next to or below your other apps. It is a limitation of iOS that has been in place for a long time, but is annoying if you want more overview.

Also interesting: This way you can easily tidy up your iPhone or iPad home screen

Tip: Clean up your iPhone home screen by increasing space between apps

However, using a trick it is possible to leave rows ’empty’ by placing blank icons. That works simple: choose a completely black background and when you put a black icon on it, it is as if that space is empty. If you place multiple black icons next to each other, that row will appear empty. This also ensures that the whole looks a bit quieter, because there are fewer icons that fill your home screen.

  1. First of all, make sure you have a (completely) black wallpaper. This is supplied by Apple as standard and can be set via ‘Settings> Background> Choose a new background> Still’;
  2. Then go to this website on your iPhone. Then put the page on your home screen by tapping the share icon in Safari, swiping to the right and choosing ‘Add to home screen’;
  3. After this, an icon will be added to your home screen, which is ‘invisible’ due to your black background;
  4. If you want to fill an entire row with these black icons, go through the step above a few more times.

Pay attention

When going through the steps, you need to take a number of things into account. First of all, it is important that you do not give the shortcut (the black icon) a name and therefore leave the title empty. In addition, it is good to know that the icons are simply a shortcut to the relevant page.

So if you accidentally tap it, Safari and the page will open. You can just move them by pressing them briefly, holding them and then dragging them to the right place. Furthermore, it is important to know that unfortunately this trick only works with a black background.

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