Tip: this is how you place a Spotify widget on your home screen

In iOS 14 it is finally possible to use widgets. Spotify now has one too. We show you how to place the Spotify widget on your home screen.

This is how you place a Spotify widget on your home screen

Android phones have had widgets for many years. Since the release of iOS 14, these handy app windows are also available on your iPhone. With a widget you can see the most important information from an app without having to open it.

The popular music service Spotify now also has its own widget for iOS. It shows you which music or podcasts you last listened to. By clicking on one of the titles, you open it in Spotify.

Spotify has only just activated this widget. So make sure the app is updated before you try to place the widget on your home screen, otherwise it will not work.

  1. Press and hold the screen in an empty spot until the app icons move;
  2. Press the plus sign at the top right;
  3. Select the Spotify app from the list. If you don’t see it, you can also search for it;
  4. You now have the choice of two variants. A small widget that shows you only one recently played title and a larger one that shows you five titles;
  5. Choose the desired variant and click on ‘Add widget’;
  6. The Spotify widget is now on your home screen. You can drag it to another place if necessary.

More about iOS 14

iOS 14 is one of the biggest iPhone software updates in years. Not only can you give your home screen a personal twist, but you can also choose an alternative standard app for your mail and browser, for example. Apple has also opened a large tin with new emojis.

Do you want to know more about all the changes in iOS 14? Then read our iOS 14 overview page or watch the video below. Then you are immediately aware of the most important functions.

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