Total number of delivery vans increased for the fifth year in a row

Anyone who thinks that more and more vans have hit the road in recent years is right. The number of delivery vans rose for the fifth year in a row in 2019.

Although it looks worrying for the future, the economy has been running at full speed in recent years. This was also noticeable in the increase in the number of delivery vans on Dutch roads. At the beginning of this year, there were no less than almost 940,000, compared to 815,000 five years earlier. Since that year, the amount of delivery vans has only increased. There were 2.7 percent more vans on the road last year than a year earlier, and 15 percent more than in 2015.

Property 2015 2019
Private 94,450 82,860
Construction industry 217,070 255,850
Wholesale and retail,
repair of cars
157,410 174,007
Movable rental
goods and other
business services
71,580 77,540
Industry 60,400 68,880
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 44,780 52,360
Advice, research
and other specialist
business services
36,740 44,080

Number of delivery vans per sector, provisional figures from Statistics Netherlands

The vast majority of these vans (over 255,000) are used in the construction sector, according to figures from Statistics Netherlands. Almost a third of all vans belong to the construction industry. Wholesale and retail follow second place, with 174,000 vans (21 percent). Incidentally, most kilometers with vans (with distance) are traveled by people who work in transport and / or storage. In 2019, they traveled an average of more than 30,000 kilometers with the delivery van. On average, a little more than 18,000 kilometers were driven in 2019 with a van.

Property Km / year
Transport and storage 30,660
Specialist business services 20,490
Industry 19,940
Information and communication 19,870
Rental and other business services 19,540
All economic activities 18,700
Other services 18,520
Construction industry 18,390
Financial services 18,340
Water companies and waste management 17,860
Trade 17,840
Mineral extraction 17,790
Energy supply 17,740
Education 17,000
Culture, sports and recreation 16,420
Rental and trade of real estate 15,710
Health and welfare services 15,650
catering industry 15,170
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 13,690
Public administration and government services 12,230
Individuals 11,690

Kilometers per year per sector, provisional figures from Statistics Netherlands

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