To treat mosquito bites, there are some naturally effective remedies that can relieve the itching. Here you can find out which home remedies you can use and how they help.
Summer, sun, mosquito bites: mosquitoes are annoying and ruin many a beautiful evening outdoors. Most of the time the mosquito is so light on the skin and so quick to bite that the bite only becomes noticeable when it starts to itch.
Treat mosquito bites: Don’t scratch!
The itching is caused by the saliva of the female mosquito. Proteins enter the skin through saliva and prevent blood from clotting. The body reacts by releasing the tissue hormone histamine. It is a local allergic reaction that is responsible for the unpleasant itching, swelling and redness.
If a mosquito has bitten you, one thing is most important: don’t scratch! Scratched mosquito bites not only look unsightly, they can also become infected. So it’s better to relieve the itching in another way. You can treat your mosquito bites naturally with various home remedies.
7 effective home remedies to treat mosquito bites

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / casellesingold)
To treat an itchy mosquito bite, you have many options. Depending on whether you are at home or out in nature, these remedies can provide quick relief:
Immediate measure: Saliva on the sting is a well-known countermeasure against the sting that is said to have been tried and tested for generations. Enzymes and antibodies in saliva can support wound healing – but on the other hand, other germs or pathogens are also present in saliva. That’s why science doesn’t agree on whether spit really helps or not. At least it can cool the sting.
Cooling is generally a good short-term immediate aid for any type of insect bite. Cold constricts the blood vessels, thereby reducing the release of substances that promote itching and thus inhibiting inflammatory processes. You can treat a mosquito bite by, for example, wrapping ice cubes or cold packs in a cloth and placing them on the affected area. Attention: The cloth is important to protect the skin from frostbite.
- A freshly cut onion disinfects the wound through its antibacterial effect and is also said to reduce itching.
Aloe vera not only moisturizes, but is also said to reduce itching.
Ribwort plantain: If mosquitoes bite you on the go, simply look for ribwort plantain leaves, tear them into small pieces and place them on the bite. The escaping plant sap is said to relieve itching due to the mucilage it contains.
White cabbage leaves: Shred the leaves and dab the juice that has escaped onto the insect bite. This has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves itching.
A compress with vinegar water cools, disinfects and relieves itching thanks to its antibacterial effect.
Heat for the itching
Hot metal – such as a spoon – or a cotton ball soaked in hot water can also provide relief. However, caution is advised: the spoon should not be too hot, otherwise it could cause burns. Heat pens are also a way to treat itching with heat. These pens are battery-operated and briefly heat the skin to around 50 degrees.
Proteins in mosquito saliva break down at a temperature of around 45 degrees. It is believed that the heat destroys the enzymes in mosquito saliva and the body then releases less histamine. This will relieve the itching.
Prevent mosquito bites
Of course, better than having to treat mosquito bites, it is better to avoid them in the first place. You can prevent mosquito bites with these measures:
- Wear long clothes.
- Install insect screens on the windows or an insect net over the bed (available on Amazon, for example). At least this way you can ensure peace and quiet within your own four walls.
- Keep the temperatures in the rooms as cool as possible, because mosquitoes like it warm and humid.
- Avoid standing water.
- Use essential oils to add to lotion and rub yourself with it. Citronella (for example at Avocadostore), rosemary oil, cedar oil or clove oil are said to repel mosquitoes.
- In health food stores you can often find ready-made mixtures with promising names such as “Anti-Mück”.
- You can also make your own mosquito spray with simple ingredients.
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- Build a fruit fly trap: This is how you can get rid of fruit flies
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- Coconut oil against ticks: effect and application
Revised by Lena Kirchner
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