Nail fungus is one of the most common and stubborn diseases of the nails. We will show you how to recognize nail fungus and show you home remedies that prevent nail fungus and support therapy.
Recognize and treat nail fungus
Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a fungal infection of the nails that is very protracted and contagious. At the beginning of the infection, the nail fungus is not that easy to recognize and usually does not cause any symptoms.
Of the most common triggers for nail fungus are thread fungi (dermatophytes). Infection occurs through a smear or contact infection. A warm and humid climate also favors the spread. Because of this, the toenails are affected more often than the fingernails. The microscopic fungi settle in all nail layers and feed on the horny substance (keratin) there.
First signs For a fungal nail infection are cloudy and brittle nails that hardly shine. The fungus spreads down from the tips of the nails. As the infection progresses, the nails thicken and turn yellow, become crumbly, and peel off.
If you identify and treat the nail fungus early on, it will not cause pain or discomfort. However, if you treat it inadequately or not at all, it can destroy the entire nail plate. It is best to seek advice from a dermatologist immediately at the first signs and clarify whether a fungal nail infection is present. The earlier you start therapy, the better.
Note: Home remedies cannot completely replace medical therapy as they are unable to penetrate deeply into all layers of the nail. As an accompanying therapeutic measure, however, they effectively support the healing process and prevent it from spreading.
Home remedy for nail fungus: tea tree oil

(Photo: Eva Nitsch / Utopia)
Tea tree oil has a disinfecting and antifungal effect. So it can inhibit the spread of nail fungus. During your nail fungus therapy, you can apply the tea tree oil to the affected nails once a day with a cotton swab. You can also treat the surrounding nails as a preventive measure. This will prevent the nail fungus from spreading to the other nails. Use high-quality organic tea tree oil for this.
Coconut oil for foot care with nail fungus

(Photo: Eva Nitsch / Utopia)
Coconut oil is a real wonder drug with many positive properties. Due to the fatty acids it contains, it has an antifungal effect, i.e. specifically against fungi.
The nail fungus medicines from the pharmacy can dry out the nails and the surrounding skin. Coconut oil is therefore the optimal skin care product during therapy. Simply rub the coconut oil in your hands and massage it into your hands and feet.
Tip: For a particularly intensive care effect, you can generously cream your feet with coconut oil, put on cotton socks and let them soak in overnight.
Apple cider vinegar foot bath prevents nail fungus from spreading

(Photo: Eva Nitsch / Utopia)
With many therapies it is a daily one Foot bath necessary to soften the nails before removing the diseased nail substance. By adding Apple Cider Vinegar in your foot bath, the pH value of the skin is strengthened. The enzymes contained in apple cider vinegar create an unfavorable environment for fungi on the skin.
You need:
- A bowl
- about 5 l water (lukewarm)
- 50 ml apple cider vinegar
Soak your feet in it for 20 minutes. Since vinegar fumes can irritate the mucous membranes when you breathe them in, the apple cider vinegar foot bath should only be lukewarm.
Tip: You can also dab apple cider vinegar or vinegar essence on the affected nails with a cosmetic pad in the morning and evening. With this treatment, the nail fungus is prevented from growing.
Recipe for disinfecting foot spray against foot and nail fungus

(Photo: Eva Nitsch / Utopia)
For a disinfectant foot spray you need:
- 150 ml of distilled water
- 50 ml alcohol (for example alcohol or vodka)
- 10 drops of essential Sage oil in organic quality
Mix all of the ingredients together and pour the mixture into an empty spray bottle. The essential sage oil smells fresh and pleasantly spicy. It has a disinfectant and antiperspirant effect. Alternatively, you can use tea tree oil or mix both oils.
For example, spray the spray on your feet after going to the swimming pool. Don’t wipe it off; let it dry. Then it can work best and prevent foot and nail fungus. You can also spray it directly on your shoes to disinfect them and fight odors.
Prevent nail fungus

(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / stevepb)
These tips will help minimize the risk of nail fungus:
- In rooms where many people walk barefoot (changing rooms, hotel rooms, swimming pools, etc.), wear shoes or slippers.
- Always dry your feet well, especially between the toes.
- You shouldn’t share your nail files and scissors with anyone and disinfect them regularly.
- When you try on new shoes in the store, always wear trial stockings and then disinfect your feet.
- Avoid artificial nails and nail modeling.
- Wear socks and shoes made from natural materials that are breathable.
Once someone in your household or yourself does contract a fungal nail infection, it is important to prevent it from spreading. Wash your towels and socks separately at at least 60 degrees. You shouldn’t walk barefoot at home during this time. This will prevent the nail fungus from being transmitted to other people and prevent your own re-infection.
- Make your own foot bath: 3 recipes with natural ingredients
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