Treating sunburn: Natural home remedies for too much sun

Treating sunburn
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What to do if you get sunburned? Instead of using expensive after-sun products, you can also treat sunburn with home remedies. We’ll show you what helps.

It shouldn’t happen, but if you forget to put on sunscreen or to reapply it in time, you may end up with sunburn.

To support the regeneration of the skin in the next few days and to alleviate sunburn, various home remedies are suitable – we will show you which ones.

Note: All of the home remedies mentioned are only suitable for mild sunburn (grade 1: redness, burning, itching). As soon as blisters form, we advise against self-treatment. You should definitely seek medical advice.

First aid for sunburn: cooling

At the first signs of reddened skin, you should go into the shade and cool the skin with some water that is between 15 and 20 degrees. The best thing to use for this is damp cotton towels that you can reuse.

Don’t use ice – that’s too aggressive. If you do use ice to cool the sunburn, avoid direct skin contact and wrap the ice pack in a cloth. Don’t cool the burned skin for too long. “Otherwise there’s a risk that the skin will get too cold and then possibly form blisters again,” explains dermatologist Marion Moers-Carpi from Munich.

Treat sunburn on the face with aloe vera

You can treat sunburn with aloe vera, for example.
You can treat sunburn with aloe vera, for example.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / marcegaral)

The aloe vera plant is the classic home remedy for treating sunburn. If you have one of these plants at home, you can cut off a piece, cut it in half and carefully spread the gel-like liquid onto the sunburn. Aloe vera gel is colorless, smells pleasant and is therefore particularly suitable for use on the face. Aloe vera is known as a moisturizer and has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. This allows your skin to recover quickly from sunburn.

Tip: You can also buy aloe vera gel without a plant, for example from Avocadostore.

Leaderboard: Mineral organic sunscreen

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DetailBig Green Smile**

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Important: Drink plenty after sunburn

Drink enough water to treat sunburn from the inside.
Drink enough water to treat sunburn from the inside.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / PhotoMIX-Company)

Also drink plenty of water or unsweetened tea. Because the body needs more fluids to burn fat.

Suitable drinks are:

  • Peppermint tea: What you need to know about its effects
  • Make your own iced tea: Refreshing recipes for young and old
  • Infused Water: Delicious recipes and ideas
  • Lemon water: How it works and how to make it

Quark packs or wraps against sunburn

Quark wraps can relieve the discomfort of sunburn. Unlike quark packs, quark – regardless of its fat content – is not applied directly to the skin, but rather to a cloth, such as a gauze compress or a thin tea towel. “Because direct contact could irritate the skin too much,” says Ursula Sellerberg from the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists in Berlin.

Here you can read how to make quark wraps:

Dairy products such as cottage cheese and yoghurt are often recommended as good home remedies for sunburn. They provide the skin with plenty of moisture and cool it. However, they also contain bacteria that can penetrate the skin and cause inflammation. That’s why you shouldn’t use cottage cheese wraps if you have a sunburn with blistering.

Black tea at Sonnbrand

Black tea contains tannins that can soothe sun-irritated skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

  1. Make a strong black tea, i.e. use lots of tea leaves or several tea bags per cup and let it brew for a long time.
  2. Soak a cloth in the cooled black tea and place it on the skin for about 20 minutes.

The advantage over curd: You don’t have to wash the black tea off your skin.

Avoid sunburn

But the best thing is still to avoid getting sunburned in the first place. Here are 10 tips to help you:

With material from dpa

Read more on Utopia:

  • 10 tips to avoid getting sunburn in the first place
  • Which sunscreen is really recommended?
  • How effective are face creams with UV protection?
  • Coconut oil against ticks: effect and application

English version available: Sunburn Home Remedies: 3 Natural Treatment Methods

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