Viral video about coronavirus: Italians publish a message to their 10 days younger self

Photo: Screenshot Youtube, “A Thing By”

Italy is currently in a state of emergency because of the corona virus. A condition that may be imminent. Filmmakers from Milan asked Italians to formulate a message to their ten days younger self – and thus to us. This message is clear.

The corona virus continues to spread and Italy is the most affected by European countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are currently almost 28,000 infected and 2,158 deaths (was standing: March 17th, 11 a.m.)

The situation in Germany is currently even less tense. However, conditions could prevail in a few days, as is currently the case in Italy. This assumption is represented by “A Thing By”, a collective of filmmakers from Milan. You asked people from all over Italy to include a message to their past self. They cut a video from the many individual messages that went viral: the clip has been online since Sunday and has been viewed more than 3.8 million times.

“I’m sure you underestimate the corona virus”

“Hey Daniele-from-ten-days ago,” an Italian begins his recording. “I’m talking to you from the future,” adds the next one – and so it goes on. “I know you’re busy, but wait a second” – “I’ll tell you about the current situation in Italy” – “A big mess is about to break out” – “I’m sure you underestimate the corona virus.”

A woman explains to the camera: “I went to meetings, to the hairdresser, […] the usual boring things that have never harmed anyone. “-” But in ten days life will be different. “-” The worst-case scenario? That is exactly what will happen. “-” Exactly because the infections in Italy will continue to increase – and prove to you: It is not all bullshit as you thought. ”

“An entire nation stuck at home”

A woman, in hospital clothes and with a drooping face mask, explains to the camera: “And now you are doing fatal shifts in the hospital” – “We are currently experiencing a whimsical situation”, the next person tells his past self. “Nobody can leave his home unless he has a serious reason.” – “A quarantine as only known from films” – “An entire nation that is stuck at home” – “Hospitals literally explode, even many young people get infected ”-“ There are currently kids our age, ”says a teenager,“ who have to be intubated and are in intensive care. ”

“You are not the only person in the world”

“What you risk is not the” normal “flu. This problem is more serious than most people in the world believe “-” I know that China seems far away, but this virus is faster than you think. So maybe think again about your Saturday night plans. If you had stayed at home, I might not have to stay at home now, ”is a young man’s message to his ten-day-old me.

“So, start doing your part now.” – “Tommaso, don’t mess around.” – “Stay home.” – “It can’t be that hard.” – “You’re not the only person in the world . “-” And relax, because it will end soon. ”

“We underestimate it,” is the closing credits. “You don’t have to do it the same way.”

Italian Prime Minister has declared Italy a restricted area

According to media reports, Italy’s hospitals are overworked, nurses and doctors report double shifts, too few intensive care places and high psychological pressure. “From everything I have experienced, it is one of the worst situations.” Quotes a nurse in a Roman hospital.

Prime Minister Conte has declared Italy a restricted zone. If not absolutely necessary, people should stay at home. Schools, universities and kindergartens are closed, public gatherings, sporting events and soccer games are not allowed. Bars and restaurants have to close at 6pm every day

The Robert Koch Institute now classifies the health risk in Germany as “high”. Chancellor Angela Merkel announced stricter measures for Germany on Monday evening. A similar situation as in Italy now applies to us – however, the effects are not yet so clearly noticeable.

The video shows how important these measures are. It is an urgent appeal to all of us: restrict your social contacts – and do it clearly. Meet you Not in groups, leave your children Not play outside with lots of other kids Not at home with or with friends. And to those who still complain about these restrictions: Finally realize that it’s not about you!


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