VWE: ‘Second-hand market will continue to grow next year’

Although new car sales have been hit hard by the corona crisis, 2020 will most likely go down as a record year for the used car market. And VWE Automotive does not expect growth to stop after this year.

Although the crisis also held the used car market in its grip in the beginning, that market has recovered significantly in the past few months. Record after record has been broken since June. VWE Automotive keeps a close eye on the industry and sees that many Dutch people exchange the purchase of a brand new car for the purchase of a young used one. For the whole of 2020, VWE expects car companies to sell 1.36 million used cars: a record.

Because people now prefer to choose their own means of transport, partly due to the crisis, demand will remain high in 2021, according to the researchers. For next year it is therefore expected that the growth will continue to 1.39 million used cars sold: a growth of 2.4 percent. Due to the greater demand for young used cars, the number of imported used cars is also increasing considerably according to the new expectations. VWE expects that 235,000 used cars will be imported next year. That would be a growth of 6.9 percent.

The fact that more used cars are being driven also means that there is more work to be done for garage owners. For example, it is expected that more cars will come to the workshop for the MOT next year. In total, that should be 6.67 million. Last year there were ‘only’ 6.39 million.

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