watchOS 11 FAQ: Updated interface, supported Apple Watch models and more

watchOS 11 brings new functions and possibilities to the Apple Watch. Like every year, we collect the most important questions about the new operating system for the Apple Watch in our watchOS 11 FAQ.

Of course, Apple has already shown some new options and possibilities, such as Vitals app, training load, improved dial photos, on their website and during the press presentation. However, there are still a lot of questions about the new Apple Watch software, which we answer in detail in the watchOS 11 FAQ below.

When will watchOS 11 be available?

We can be brief about this question: watchOS 11 for Apple Watch is expected later this fall. Those who cannot wait can also install the beta this year and test all follow-up versions.

Will a public beta be available for watchOS 11?

As in previous years, a public beta is available for watchOS 11. If you are interested in testing the new version, you can sign up for the public beta. You can then download and install the test version in the summer. Are you a developer or do you have a developer account? Then you can now install the beta of watchOS 11 via

Can you downgrade the watchOS 11 beta

Until now, it has always been the case that you could not uninstall a watchOS beta. You will then have to wait until the official version is released and then you can uninstall future betas. Apple makes no exception for the public testers, so keep in mind that you have a watchOS beta not can reverse.

Which Apple Watch models support watchOS 11?

You can install watchOS 11 on the models below:

  • Apple Watch SE 2nd generation
  • Apple Watch series 6
  • Apple Watch series 7
  • Apple Watch series 8
  • Apple Watch series 9
  • Apple Watch Ultra
  • Apple Watch Ultra 2

What can the Vitals app do?

With Apple Watch you can measure important health values ​​while you sleep: your heart rate, breathing rate, pulse temperature, sleep duration and oxygen saturation. Use the new Vitals app in watchOS 11 to quickly check important health metrics and better put your overall health into context.

Apple Watch analyzes this data, based on which you gain direct insight into your health and important measurements every day. You can also see at a glance whether there are any deviations.

vitals app apple watch

You can receive a notification when two or more values ​​are outside the usual range, along with an explanation of the possible connection with other aspects of your daily life, such as changes in your altitude, alcohol consumption or even illness.

Good to know, with watchOS 11 the Apple Watch can automatically register when you sleep! This eliminates the need to manually enable Sleep focus.

Can you finally pause the Activity app?

Yes! It will finally be possible to pause your activity rings without sacrificing your goals. Whether you schedule a rest day into your training schedule, are suffering from an injury or just want a day off: starting with watchOS 11, you can pause your rings for a day, a week, a month or longer without affecting your medal goals. Furthermore, you can set the goals for your activity rings per day of the week, so that they provide you with the right motivation at the right time.

What is training load?

Training load is an insightful way to measure how the intensity and duration of your workouts impact your body over time. You’ll see how workouts from the past 7 days put stress on your body compared to the past 28 days. These insights will help you make informed training decisions every day, especially when you’re preparing for an event – ​​whether that’s your first 5K, a bike race or a marathon.

training load apple watch

To measure intensity, rate each workout’s effort level on a scale of 1 to 10. Popular cardio workouts use an innovative algorithm that automatically generates an estimated effort rating based on information such as your age, height, and weight, supplemented with workout data such as GPS, heart rate and altitude difference. You can then manually add other factors to this estimate, such as stress or (muscle) pain. For workouts without automatic estimation, such as strength training, you can assign a score afterwards.

Based on both the duration of your workouts and your difficulty score, Apple Watch determines the training load for 28 days. In the Activity app you can compare your training load from the last 7 days with that from the last 28 days. This is a good indication of whether you are currently putting more strain on your body, the same amount of strain or less strain on your body. You can then adjust your training for best results.

Are there more widgets available?

When Apple introduced widgets for the Apple Watch, it was striking that the supply was scarce. This has been resolved with the new software update. Apple has added even more widgets to the watchOS for almost all standard apps. There are also several versions available so that you as a user can choose the best one for your own needs. There are new widgets for Shazam, Photos, Distance, workout, etc.

interactive widgets apple watch

In addition, the smart stack can provide widget suggestions based on things like time, date, location and daily routines. This makes it even easier to access functions on your Apple Watch when you need them. For example, the new extreme weather notification widget could appear before a thunderstorm. New interactive widgets make it possible to use an app directly from the Smart Stack, and live activities on Apple Watch are now also available within the Smart Stack.

Are there extensions for GPS in workouts?

With GPS positioning improvements, the Workout app includes even more distance-tracking workouts, including soccer, American and Australian football, hockey, lacrosse, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, golf and rowing. Plus, you can see your route map for more types of workouts.

What watch faces have been added to watchOS 11?

This year, strangely enough, there are no new versions added. However, Apple has drastically updated the Photos watch face and gives it more options to display your favorite photos in a special way on the Apple Watch.

photos watch face watchOS 11

The Photos face in watchOS 11 helps you choose the best photo options by quickly analyzing thousands of photos with machine learning. You can further personalize the watch face by changing the size and format of the time, choosing a font, and more. You can read more information in the highlighted article below.

Will I soon be able to use all functions on my Apple Watch?

Unfortunately, not all new features will work on all models that support watchOS 11. For example, Daylight Time only works on the Apple Watch SE (2nd generation), Apple Watch Series 6 or later, and the Apple Watch ultra. NameDrop works on the Apple Watch Series 6 or later, Apple Watch SE and the Apple Watch ultra.

watchOS 11 tips

We will share more information about watchOS 11 for Apple Watch in the coming weeks. As you have come to expect from us, we will explain all new functions, options and possibilities in detail in our tips, manuals and explanation articles.

You can find all watchOS 11 tips here. Do you have any questions about the new Apple Watch software? Then don’t hesitate and ask them in the comments below.

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