What is the meaning of our existence?

Why do we exist? Why were we created? And why are we dying? Is there a meaning to our existence?

Asker: Didi, 31 years old


Dear Didi,

The meaning question, it comes up very often on this website and in many forms. Why do we live? What is the meaning of our existence? …

I don’t think there is a definitive answer to this question and it is therefore very difficult to formulate one. My own simple motto: The purpose of life is to enjoy it (enjoy it!).

Fortunately, Ikhebeenquest.be has philosophers such as Gie van den Berghe, Johan D’haenen and Ignaas Devisch and other scientists from various disciplines such as Gert Buelens, Kristiaan D’Aout and Wolfgang Eberle who did try to find a more extensive answer. A few quick searches gave me the following results:

  • Does the question of meaning make any sense?
  • You have to find the meaning of your life yourself, but how do you go about doing that?
  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Death gives meaning to life. If after death there comes eternal life in heaven, isn’t that life meaningless?
  • What is the point of all our life lessons since at the end of the day we die anyway and lose everything again?
  • Why should I accept life or not?
  • What is the purpose of life?
  • Does everything we do have the ultimate goal of procreating?
  • Why do we live?
  • Why do we live? (bis)
  • What’s the point of everything we do here if it will eventually disappear?
  • If atoms are ‘dead’ in themselves, why are we alive if we are made up of atoms?

This is just a selection of all the questions and answers about this theme. You will probably find more in our rich archive.

Answered by

lic. History Bart Coenen

Contemporary History

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Rue Vautier 29 1000 Brussels


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