Why asparagus is healthy: nutrients, effects and interesting facts

Why asparagus is healthy: nutrients, effects and interesting facts

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / RitaE

Find out here what makes asparagus so healthy. Because the spring vegetables are not only a highlight from a culinary point of view – they also contain many nutrients and have a positive effect on your body.

In spring it often plays the main role on the plate: asparagus. The long white, green or purple vegetables can usually be harvested from mid-April – but only for a short time. Because on Midsummer Day, June 24th, it’s traditionally over with the Asparagus season. The harvest is then ended in order to give the plants a sufficiently long regeneration phase until the next harvest year.

These nutrients are what make asparagus so healthy

Whether green or white: asparagus is always tasty and healthy.
Whether green or white: asparagus is always tasty and healthy.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / cocoparisienne)

Asparagus is rightly considered not only a delicacy, but also extremely healthy Vegetables.

  • It consists of up to 93 percent water and is very low in calories. A serving of 100 grams comes to just 18 kilocalories.
  • There are many in asparagus Fiberthat make it a filling vegetable. Secondary plant substances support the intestines.
  • You can meet your daily needs with 500 grams of asparagus vitamin C and Folic acid to over 100 percent cover.
  • You cover This also means 90 percent of your vitamin E requirement and 50 percent of your requirement each Vitamin B1 and B2.
  • Asparagus also contains protein, phosphorus, Potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, Niacin and iron. That makes it one of the most nutritious vegetables.
  • A special ingredient is aspartic acid: The amino acid not only provides the typical asparagus taste as a flavoring, but is also involved in the urea cycle.
  • Also Bitter substances occur in asparagus. If a variety tastes particularly bitter, it may be due to weather fluctuations during cultivation, for example.

In Germany are the white and green asparagus Popular. In contrast to white asparagus, green asparagus grows above the ground. Its green color comes from the plant pigment Chlorophyllwhich is produced by solar radiation. Green asparagus therefore also contains more vitamin C. and Beta carotene than the white vegetables. It tastes a little heartier, does not have to be peeled at the ends and has a shorter cooking time. More here: Cooking asparagus: This is how long green and white asparagus take.

Health effects of asparagus

Asparagus is healthiest if it is not mixed with high-calorie sauces.
Asparagus is healthiest if it is not mixed with high-calorie sauces.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / RitaE)

The botanical name of the asparagus is Asparagus officinalis, which translated from Latin means “medicine”. No name could be better, because the many nutrients in asparagus can have a positive effect on health:

  • Urinary tract infections: Thanks to the amino acid Aspartic acid works asparagus diuretic. The acid is said to help convert nitrogen-containing breakdown products into non-toxic urea, which can then be excreted through the kidneys. Pathogens causing urinary tract infections are also excreted with the urea.
  • Intestinal discomfort: Asparagus contains a lot of fiber and phytochemicals, which the Stimulate digestion and such good bowel function enable. In particular the fiber Inulin strengthens the intestinal flora. Folic acid in combination with vitamin C. stabilized the intestinal lining.
  • Muscle and nerve activity: There are plenty of minerals in asparagus, for example potassium. Potassium is important for transport processes in the body and ensures that signals are passed on. The nutrient is essential for muscles and nerves function.
  • Weight loss: Asparagus is extremely low in calories if you don’t add large amounts of butter or sauce. It also contains a lot of fiber that will keep you full for a long time.
  • Bone strengthening: Contained in asparagus Calcium and magnesium strengthen the bones and that protein is important for the bone metabolism to work.
  • Vitamin deficiency: Asparagus can be described as a vitamin bomb: Vitamin C ensures a strong immune system. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties. Vitamin B 1 is important for the nervous system. Vitamin B2 is needed to convert food into energy in the body.

How much asparagus is healthy? Beware of purines

Asparagus also contains purines. These are broken down into uric acid in the body and can become one Gout flare trigger. Therefore, gout patients were previously advised against asparagus. Meanwhile, vegetables are no longer considered to be like that questionableif you enjoy it in moderation. There should be no meat or alcohol with asparagus dishes, because the foods also contain a lot of purines.

This is how you recognize good asparagus

  • Freshness: When you squeeze a stick of asparagus, juice often comes out at the end. If it smells fresh and does not taste sour, the stick is fresh.
  • Look: The asparagus should not be discolored, but should shine. The heads are firm and closed, the ends juicy.
  • feeling: Fresh asparagus feels firm and plump. It squeaks when you rub the stems together.

The sooner you eat asparagus after shopping, the tastier it is. But it also lasts about two to three days in the refrigerator, if you wrap it unpeeled in a damp cloth. You can put green asparagus upright in a glass of water and also store it in the refrigerator.

And what about the “asparagus urine”?

After enjoying asparagus, many notice the typical “asparagus scent” when urinating. This occurs when the aspartic acid contained in asparagus is metabolized in the body. The acid turns into sulfur-containing compounds during digestion, which make the urine smell. Not at all That is the case for humans: Because only about half has the enzyme that breaks down aspartic acid.

The dark side of asparagus

Asparagus is often grown under black plastic sheeting.
Asparagus is often grown under black plastic sheeting.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / PortalJardin)

But the healthy asparagus also has Downsides. The vegetable can become a real environmental sin when imported from distant countries – which is happening more and more often. Even heated fields, where the asparagus is ready for harvest earlier, have a poor climate balance. In addition, conventional asparagus is grown in soils that are chemically synthetic Pesticides are burdened. And asparagus often ends up wrapped in plastic in supermarkets. In addition, many of the seasonal workers are paid very poorly for their hard job.

You can buy better asparagus if you only use regional and seasonal varieties. It is best to buy asparagus from organic farming: Stricter rules apply to cultivation here. For example, no synthetic pesticides may be used. More information: When is organic really organic?

Read more on Techzle.com:

  • Asparagus recipes: delicious dishes and ideas with asparagus
  • Freezing asparagus: How to make it durable
  • Shelled Asparagus Soup: A Simple Recipe
  • Cream of Asparagus Soup: Easy Recipe for Creamy Soup


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