Why switching to LED light sources is worthwhile – all the advantages of LED lighting at a glance!

Symbolic image of LED lamps

(Image: pixabay.com, webandi)

In times of rising energy prices, many consumers are looking for ways to reduce electricity costs. Switching to LED bulbs offers great savings in household lighting. There has been a clear trend in lighting here for years. Whether in offices, in industry, in warehouses, in underground garages, basement rooms or various living rooms in your own four walls – switching to LED technology is worthwhile in many ways.

The huge advantages cannot be denied. Because not only is the environment protected by lighting with light-emitting diodes, it also saves a lot of energy. Switching to LED lamps can save up to 90 percent of the energy costs for lighting in a household.

But that was far from it – in addition to the monetary advantages, it is also possible to calm the ecological conscience. Because forever people in this country it is now extremely important to pursue an environmentally conscious and ecological lifestyle. The switch to light-emitting diodes can also score points here. The era of halogen lamps, fluorescent tubes, energy-saving lamps and normal lightbulbs is long gone. If you want to save money and do the environment a favor at the same time, you shouldn’t hesitate any longer and switch to LEDs in the entire household. Accordingly, it is now important to find out why it is worthwhile to force the switch to LED light sources. We offer you some strong arguments that speak clearly in favor of lighting with modern light-emitting diodes.

Switching to LED is quick and easy

The good news first: If you are planning to switch to LED light sources, you don’t need to buy new lamps. Because LED lamps are available for all conceivable lamp sockets, so that switching to this smart lighting technology can be carried out very quickly and easily. It is only necessary to buy LED bulbs and replace them with the existing light sources. The platform from offers a large selection for light-emitting diodes gluehbirne.de. Here consumers can not only find different LED bulbs with different wattage, but also choose from a wide range of colors. Because light-emitting diodes are not only available in warm white and amber-colored light, but also in many colorful light accents. The light color can be adapted to the mood using a remote control, so that additional accents can be set in the living room.

Light-emitting diodes reduce electricity costs thanks to their high energy efficiency

The consumption of LED light sources is significantly more efficient than any comparable light source on the market. The light output of light emitting diodes is often higher than 100 lumens per watt. Accordingly, consumers can save a lot of energywithout having to forfeit a bright room light. More than 90 percent can be saved by switching to light-emitting diodes, so that conventional light sources can be described as real power guzzlers. Because with LED technology, almost all of the energy is converted into light. Anyone who has ever touched an LED bulb that has burned for several hours will have noticed that it hardly emitted any heat. This is not the case with conventional light sources, which convert a large part of the energy used into heat and only a small part into light.

Reduce CO2 emissions with LED lamps

For many consumers it has become increasingly important to protect the environment and to use various resources in an environmentally conscious manner. This is also the case with electricity. Since the light-emitting diodes consume significantly less electricity than comparable light sources and also require less energy for production, it is possible to drastically reduce the increasing CO2 emissions. There is a great advantage in LEDs, which primarily affects the environment. Many companies in Germany have therefore switched the lighting in all of their warehouses, production rooms and offices to LED lamps for a long time. It is estimated that it is possible to save more than 1.8 tons of CO2 per year.

LED bulbs have a long lifespan

Compared to other lighting sources, LED lamps have a significantly longer service life. The high purchase price is amortized thanks to the long service life of the light emitting diodes. Compared to normal light bulbs, LED lamps last up to 80 times longer and up to 40 times longer than halogen lamps. The quality can of course vary from product to product. That is why consumers are advised to use high-quality LED lamps instead of cheap goods. The lifespan of light emitting diodes is on average five to 30 years, which corresponds to approximately 15,000 to 100,000 light hours.

No maintenance required with LED lighting

Due to the long service life, LED lamps are comparatively low-maintenance. These lamps have to be replaced much less frequently, so that the numbers for disposal and manufacture can be significantly reduced. Light-emitting diodes eliminate a lot of replacement and maintenance costs, so that consumers can save a lot of time and money here.


Switching to LED light sources has a number of advantages, so the switch is definitely worthwhile. Because light-emitting diodes are not only significantly more environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and cost-saving, they also help to reduce CO2 emissions. So if you want to do your wallet and the environment a big favor, you shouldn’t wait any longer and replace all the pears in the household. The main thing is to rely on high-quality LED products in order to benefit from a long service life.


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