Why you shouldn’t eat whole flaxseeds

Why you shouldn’t eat whole flaxseeds
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Pezibear

Flax seeds are healthy and good for the intestines. However, you should not eat them whole. We’ll tell you why, and what’s the best way to consume flaxseed instead.

Flaxseeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and fiber, among other things. The small brown grains taste good in muesli, bread or salad. And the intestines in particular benefit from flaxseed: the mucilage contained in the husks binds water in the intestines and swells. This stimulates digestion. But the husks of the flaxseed are also the reason why you shouldn’t necessarily eat them whole.

Flaxseed: The problem with whole seeds

Crushed or crushed flaxseed can be better absorbed by the body
Crushed or crushed flaxseed can be better absorbed by the body
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / fesehe)

Flaxseeds have a shell that cannot be broken open by the gastrointestinal tract. Your body cannot use the ingredients in the flaxseed at all. Basically, eating flaxseed whole is a waste.

It is therefore better if you eat crushed or ground flaxseed. As the Verbraucherzentrale Bayern recommends, you should only chop the flaxseed shortly before consumption. Not only does this open the shells, but some linseed oil, which is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, also escapes.

See also: Grinding linseed: This is how it works with different tools.

Linseed: Better to grind it yourself

You should only grind flaxseed shortly before consumption
You should only grind flaxseed shortly before consumption
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / alexdante)

There are also ready-ground flaxseeds to buy. These are not recommended, however, as they can go rancid faster than whole flaxseed. They are also more sensitive to light, oxygen and heat. As already mentioned, you should only crush or grind flaxseed shortly before consumption in order to benefit optimally from its healthy effects.

Read more on Techzle.com:

  • Flaxseed Gel: Recipe for cheap hair care
  • Flaxseed tea: Make your own home remedies for heartburn and constipation
  • Pudding against constipation: delicious recipe with flaxseed

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