With these apps you can film retro videos with VHS effect

With these apps you can film retro videos with VHS effect

In a not so distant past, we all filmed happily. Not with a smartphone, but with a video camera. And through the 1970s, it was the 8mm film that was the only movie option for home users for decades. With these apps, it’s like filming with an old camcorder.

All those old film techniques have their own characteristic shortcomings and deviations. For starters, the video camera. The earlier copies in particular suffered from all kinds of ‘side effects’.

First, there was the video system itself, with most home videographers getting to grips with VHS for the first time. That was not the best system visually, but because a number of manufacturers joined forces, it eventually became – and in retrospect unfortunately – the standard. It was a mechanical system, with the running gear being quite sensitive to movement, shocks and knocks. This was immediately reflected in stripes across the recording.

It went a lot better with video8 and later hi8. The real breakthrough in stability came with the advent of video cameras that could simply record to a memory card. That was the last generation of skin video cameras.

Moreover, they were not bothered by the limited resolution that came with, for example, VHS. Eventually, those cameras also evolved to Full HD and higher. They are still there, but not interesting for our article because almost perfect.

Specific charm

No, those old camcorder recordings on a tape have their specific charm. You can immediately see the time frame in which they were made: a few decades ago. That often makes looking back even more fun despite those shortcomings.

Do you want to revive those old times yourself, simply because retro is in or because you are making an (amateur or professional) film that takes place in the 80s or that contains an old tape that must appear from that time, then there is software needed. Software that turns the ‘perfect’ contemporary image sensor back in time, as it were. By simply adding back the disturbances of yesteryear.

Meanwhile, CPUs and GPUs in the average smartphone are so fast that it can be done in real time.


And that brings us to our first ‘retro app’: RarevisionVHS. With this you can either start filming directly in VHS quality of yesteryear, including all characteristic interference and distortions. If you shake your device, interference patterns are also added – just like with the mechanical camera. So lifelike, almost. The equally characteristic date text and the like are also included.

Download Rarevision VHS for Android
Download Rarevision VS for iOS

The operation in principle is simple: press the red record button and you start filming. However, if you want more creative options, first tap the button MENU and then on Settings. For example, to realize the better image of Hi8, choose in the selection menu behind Video Filter in front of hi8. Or choose one of the other effects, such as the wonderfully MTV-like video wall.

Be sure to check out the other options available. For example, you can fake the date and set it back to the eighties, which makes it all the more convincing. Or just omit that date altogether, whichever you prefer.

Many options and tricks

While filming you can use the T- and W-button at the bottom right of the screen to zoom in and out continuously. Because filming is done in a (much) lower resolution than the resolution of the image sensor in your device, digital zooming can be effortless. When you’re done with your recording, tap the record button again and the recording will stop.

Also, pay attention to the buttons at the top right. LIGHT causes the LED flash to turn on and TITLE shows a text that can be set via the Settings menu. You control the sharpness of the image by tapping the blue button MENU and then DETAIL. Through the same menu are also CONTRAST and SATURATION to improve or deteriorate.

It is possible to import previously created ‘regular’ videos made via your device’s camera app. They then also receive the same treatment in real time as set in the app. To do that, tap the PLAY-button at the bottom right. Then tap at the top right Import Videos. Select a video from the overview of videos present on your device. The video will then play (possibly even slightly accelerated or slowed down, depending on the speed of your device). The conversion immediately takes place here; recognizable by the red flashing text IMPORT.

Wait for playback to finish and return to the live preview of the app. You will now find the converted movie in your gallery/camera roll, of course, with the old original recording unaffected and still available. The clips created by RarevisionVHS can also be used in video editors for further processing in a film or video project.

8mm app

If you want to go back to the glory days of the 8mm film, there is the app 8mm (for iOS only). In the main screen of this you will find a round button at the bottom right. By swiping over the text in this, you select a movie type, for example 70s. Press the record button and your movie will be recorded. While recording, you can occasionally touch the button in the circle at the bottom right for a ‘pulling’ effect. Especially with the older films, that makes it even more convincing.

You can import existing films via the button with the ‘flower’ to the right of the preview. After a tap on it you choose a movie from your camera roll. Then tap the red record button to have the chosen movie converted in real time to an 8mm movie with the previously chosen settings. You will initially only find recorded or converted movies in the app’s native storage. To export a movie for further use, tap the button with the filmstrip at the bottom of the screen.

Tap on the movie clip, after which you can optionally apply a theme and add a title. To export the whole thing to your device’s camera roll, tap the export button at the bottom left of the screen, then render and finally Export video.


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